How to Get in PROMYS

I will be going to 8th grade in the fall and wanted to prepare for PROMYS for the 2022 summer. I want to apply for the USA PROMYS (I live and was born in the US) But I could not find anything on how to prepare. My Math Background might be a little behind than what it should be for a 8th grader but heres a quick rundown. I know Algebra 2, A good majority of HS geometry, Very Basic Probability, and little to none number theory. I would really appreciate it if you could refer to some Textbooks or topics to look at and possibly in what order if you could. Thanks for replying if you do!

I’m a rising 8th grader and I wanted to get into PROMYS in the 9th - 10th Summer. So I was wondering what Textbooks should I use, topics I should learn, and things I should do to apply to this prestigous camp. I have a good foundation in Algebra 2 I know average high school geometry and I know basic probability. I would really apprecate input thank you very much.