How To Get Off UNF's Hicks Honor's College Waitlist

So, I was waitlisted to the Honors College admission and they’ll let me know this summer if I get in for Fall 2020. I don’t see any online information on how to get off of Uni of North Florida’s specific honors waitlist so that is why I am here.

What would be good additional rationale to provide them with?
They already know grades/scores, extracurriculars, an essay on how I think I fit with the program’s goals, and 2 other essays about overcoming adversity and one of my favorite community service outlets. I also sent in a letter of rec. from that community service outlet into the application to fulfill the optional choice of sending in a letter of recc.

They said they’ll let me know on their final choice reasonably soon, so I still want to build onto my application fast and I don’t know how.

I know for Uni Waitlists, students send in a letter of intent - so should I do that?
I am going to get a few more recc letters to submit as well.

Please tell me any worthy suggestions that look good for getting off of an honor’s waitlist!

Thank you for your time.

Any written correspondence that shares that you are serious about academics should help.

Also, research the specific benefits of this Honors College and share how those benefits are valued by you.

Convey your thoughts in a positive & excited manner. Avoid communicating any negative thoughts.