HOW TO IMPROVE ACT READING and any good books or programs or websites

I simply want to know how to improve my score and how to learn from my mistakes. I feel like with all my reading mistakes that the reason I miss them is time pressure causes me to make a lousy choice that seems possible based on contex but is usually wrong. I am not the fastest reader and have trouble paying close attention and have to reread. I simply just want to know how do I get better and UNDERSTAND MY MISTAKES SO I DO NOT MAKE THE SAME MISTAKES AGAIN. This is the only section I feel like Oncan not improve on. Please do not tell me that answer is in the text I already know this I just can not find it in the time I have.
I got a 23 on the actually test and got 21 on two practice test. Reading the questions first does NOT WORK FOR ME. Reading the whole passage somethings works but often I have to go back and end up spending too much time. Skimming is the same issue expect I usually do poor on the questions. Right now I can get through about 25 to 27 questions and then I time out. I tend to miss the meaning and end up having debates and feel pressured by time and end up guessing.
Thank you for help

For me I read the passage first. I “annotate” as I go along in order to remain engaged. By annotating I mean just underlining, circling, and boxing specific words, phrases, and paragraphs that seem important. You don’t need to read for detail. I’ve found that focusing on the main idea of the passage/the author’s purpose is sufficient. I try to have a good grasp on the author’s tone as well. I only spend a couple minutes reading the passage. By having a general understanding of the passage I can answer about half the questions. The more detailed oriented questions involve going back to the passage. Sometimes they will give you particular lines to look at and those are easy, but it’s the ones where you have to find the correct answer anywhere in the passage that’s hard. Always find evidence to support your answer, but be quick about it. If you can’t find the answer, skip it and come back after doing the other questions for the passage. If 7 minutes has passed (which is the max time you should spend on each passage), skip the question and come back after finishing the other passages. Also, even if you think you remember the answer to a recall sort of question, always verify in the passage! I’ve made so many mistakes thinking I remembered correctly, but they are trying to trick you, so be aware of that…

Just by doing about 4 practice Reading tests from that big 1400+ question Princeton Review book, I raised my reading score from a 25 to a 33. I tried my very hardest on each practice test and I was very ruthless when reviewing my mistakes and brainstorming new techniques to try.

The most important thing to do is find what works for you. You can try my techniques and they might not be effective. You really need to take the time to think after each practice test: HOW could I have avoided those mistakes? What strategies could I implement for the next practice test? Happy studying! :slight_smile:

Thanks you for your advice. I will try your strategy.

Did it work?

Yes it did. I am still only at a 26 though.

Also, you know how sometimes there are two perspectives on some passages? Read first perspective and then go answers on it. After that, go read next perspective and finish rest of questions. It helps to not mix things up!

But I agree with that person…practice tests are by far most important thing so you can get used to timing and stuff, my score improved by like 7 from taking a few

I always read passage 1 before passage 2 for theatres passages.

I have taken about 15 practice test.

Do you completely understand each question on each of the 15 tests? Why each right answer is definitely right and each wrong answer cannot possibly be right? If not, work harder on that. Do not take any more practice tests. For the tougher questions, spend as much as 30 minutes trying to really understand why the correct answer is correct. If you can’t understand them on your own, try Erica Meltzer’s ACT Reading book.

How good is Erica Meltzer’s book for reading. I do understand my errors; the problem is it takes me 11 minutes on average to comprehend a passage at a level where I can get 9 or 10 correct. Therefore, the best score I can really get is a 27 since I only get to 3 pasaages.

I started doing this and began making 30-31, but time is keeping me from choosingg answers accurately