How To Improve Long Passage Reading?

<p>Hi, everyone. I really need to find a way to improve my critical reading section (namely the long passage parts). It's the only thing really pushing me back.
I did take the SAT I once (Oct.) and got a 2260 (800m, 800w, 660cr). I checked my cr section and turns out I only got 1 wrong on vocab, 2 wrong on short passages, and 10 wrong on long passages ><.</p>

<p>No matter how much I practice, my score won't seem to improve...Does anyone have tips/strategies that would really help on that long-passage section? (Thanks in advance)</p>

<p>Read books and try to understand what you read.</p>

<p>you have a huge potential for getting a close to perfect superscore (perhaps even a perfect superscore, but this bit depends on luck).</p>

<p>must important tip for CR: EVERYTHING (i seriously cannot emphasize enough…EVERYTHING) in the correct answer option must be supported by the text. the method i use is to pick up my pencil and underline words in option choices that might need checking. i quickly scan through the text to see if it is supported, if its not then that’s not your answer.</p>

<p>at times you will encounter choices that are POSSIBLE given the context of the passage but may not be directly supported. those choices are when you have your best answer vs. 2nd best answer dilemma which almost everyone who takes SAT seriously should be familiar with. i’m no expert in CR but the one thing to remember is that the BEST choices is the one in which EVERYTHING is supported in the passage. if one word in your choice is not supported, its all wrong. be ruthless. it works. brought my CR from a -9 average to a -4.</p>