<p>The question's in the title haha. But some further explanation: We were able to check our scores by going online onto the IB website. I'm not sure if I just need to print out the page on the website that shows my scores and bring it to UCI during SPOP or if my school needs to send it in. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks :).</p>
<p>hmm i was wondering this too but since i was spop3, i ended up just printing the results page out in case. the woman who helped me with my schedule didn’t really know what to do with it i think since she mentioned that i was the first IB student they had seen… she then just jotted down some stuff based on the print-out i gave her.</p>
<p>also, i saw:</p>
<h1>Submit an official report for all of your Advanced Placement (AP) examination scores (3 or above) and/or International Baccalaureate Higher Level (IB) examination results (5 or above) taken prior to January 1, 2010. To have AP scores sent to UCI, call (888) 225-5427; our campus code is 004859. Please note: to ensure we receive a complete set of AP scores, you need to individually specify the test year(s) that the AP Exam(s) were taken when you make your request. To have IB scores sent to UCI, contact the International Baccalaureate Office at (212) 696-4464. Official reports are those sent directly to UCI electronically by these services.</h1>
<p>For exams taken after January 1, 2010, submit an official report for all of your AP scores (3 or above) and/or IB scores (5 or above) as soon as the results are available or they may not be credited towards your record.</p>
<p>(from [UCI</a> - Office of Admissions and Relations with Schools](<a href=“http://www.admissions.uci.edu/maa_uci/freshman_contract.html]UCI”>http://www.admissions.uci.edu/maa_uci/freshman_contract.html))</p>
<p>but the thing is—i forgot to get this done myself or didn’t really think i had to because i thought i remembered my IB adviser saying she’d take care of it?? either way, i’ll call this number soon and hopefully clear things up since i’m pretty confused myself at the moment :(</p>
<p>anyway i noticed this post isn’t too recent so if you have anything else to add, that would be great! thanks//hope i helped somewhat haha</p>