How to Send UNTAKEN AP scores??

<p> i applied to toronto university</p>

<p>and i told them on my application I'm taking 3 AP classes right now.</p>

<p>I look up the status of my application and it says this:</p>

<p>Three different SAT Subject Tests/AP scores (in progress or final)/IB scores (predicted or final). You must arrange for the results to be sent to us from the appropriate testing authority if they are not included on your high school transcript</p>

<p>okay, so I have no idea how u arrange for scores to be sent. People have told me to call collegeboard but I haven't taken the test so I don't have my AP student number or anything!</p>

<p>Thank you very much
any help would be appreciated</p>

<p>If you don’t have the scores, you can’t send them…You will be given by your teacher I believe.</p>

<p>When you take the first AP Exam that you plan on taking this year, you will be given an “AP Student Pack” which will have the codes of every college in the US. There is a place on the registration sheet you fill out to indicate the codes of any colleges to which you want your AP grades sent.</p>

<p>Oh, Toronto–there should also be codes for colleges outside the US.</p>