<p>Hi everyone. I've posted a lot on the Transfer board and I thought I'd post here, too. </p>
<p>I know everyone will say that I should give UCSD a chance before I even consider transferring, but right now I just want facts and advice. </p>
<p>Is it easy to transfer out of UCSD to a private, four-year college and do the credits transfer and whatnot? </p>
<p>I'm in Earl Warren college and any advice will be much appreciated.</p>
<p>yea i'd like to know to...i'm planning on transferring to usc because their business program is good but if i like it at sd then i'll prob stay</p>
<p>JTloverYorS?, what are you planning to transfer out of UCSD just wondering.</p>
<p>You better finish all the sequence courses you start, otherwise, they translate badly and you end up either taking courses you've previously taken or you're thrown into courses that you're not prepared for.</p>
<p>gocheechoo, i'm confused..what are sequence courses?</p>
<p>the subject split into classes to be taken in sequence. EX: General College Chemistry is 3 classes and a lab -- 6A, 6B, 6BL, 6C. They must be taken in order (with the exception of 6BL which can be taken concurrently with 6C). Notable series: Math 10/20 series (calculus), BILD 1-3 (biology), PHYS 1/2 (physics), etc.</p>
<p>If you, for some reason start one course at a later quarter and then decide to transfer out without finishing, your transfer credits are going to be screwed up. The joys of the quarter system v. semester system.</p>
<p>do you know if it's possible for me to do this schedule during my first year: intro to micro/macro, intro to calc, writing class, and something else?</p>
<p>thanks!...i'm confused on the marshall req.</p>