How to withdraw an application?

I’m trying to withdraw an application, but I’m not sure who to email or how to word it. Should I just email the office of admissions? Or a specific person in office of admissions?
My application is still waiting on my sat scores which were only sent to them recently, but on my application status it says they are still unreceived. If i were to cancel my application, would they still look at the scores when they eventually receive them? Would canceling my application now look bad to them if I were to try to apply again in the future?
Ive decided on going elsewhere as of right now, but I don’t want to completely give up on this school in case I transfer in the future.
I mainly just need to know how to start of the email and what to say in it. Do I mention I’ve decided on a different school?
Thank you!

You email the admissions office. In the subject header, write withdrawal of application, your name. You just say please withdraw the app. You don’t need to say anything else. Once they recieve your scores, there will be nothing done with them, because they will see the application has been deactivated. They won’t think about it,any further. You won’t get a black mark against your name.

@Lindagaf I’m not sure it’s always as simple as an email. We withdrew from UA this week, and there is a page on their registrar’s section to complete. Maybe they would take an email as well, but it did request their UA ID…

Yes, maybe it depends on the college. D did just send an email though and it was fine.