How was your first day of school after vacation?

<p>How was your first day of school after vacation?</p>

<p>comme ci comme ca</p>

<p>tres mal...this is going to to be a horrible week. 3 tests, 2 projects, have to redo a paper, 'n yeah some other stuff i can't remember</p>

<p>Guess what happened I got yelled at like 4 times and got a detention. So ya you might wanna say my day was great</p>

<p>Why'd you guys have a vacation? I'm out for Mardi Gras still!</p>

<p>I did well on my spanish presentation, and got a 96 on a math test and a 78 on a history test. History = my worst subject</p>

<p>I took a spanish quiz today, and I am taking another one tomorrow. I got a 96 on a math test, and I will get my AP Physics & APUSH test tomorrow. I am expecting a 30 on my AP Physics Free Response Test and a 50 on my APUSH MC test.</p>

<p>I'm on vacation today. Just one day.</p>

<p>Didn't get Presidents' Week off, so it's pretty fair.</p>

<p>It went pretty well. Didn't get too much homework. That 83 on a pre-calc test (which is counted double because it had calculator and non-calculator portions) put a damper on my mood. But I'm not that worried because I'll probably be able to pull it up by the end of the term. And if not, my final average will still be around an A-/A (I did well the first two terms), and colleges only see the final averages... Right?</p>

<p>I'm not really on a vacation, just a break from school. I get a 4 day weekend. None of the juniors or seniors at my school have to go today or tomorrow if their parents signed a form and you have passed the FCAT.</p>

<p>Since I'm a senior and I have passed, 4 DAY WEEKEND!</p>

<p>Meh, not terrible, but not great. I forgot everything we were doing in school.</p>

<p>I was actully good :)</p>

<p>ohh wait a sec. this wasn't a vac. it was just the weekend.. we got 2 days off last week but not this week. (friday and mond) but yeah</p>

<p>It was a bad day. It was freezing cold in NYC today. I waited 10 minutes for the train in the morning and finally the MTA made an announcement saying that there was a signal malfunction and the train is running at slow speed. So I got to school late. When I got to my locker, I FORGOT MY LOCKER COMBINATION! Good thing I saved it on my cellphone...LOL. Then during 8th period, I FORGOT MY LOCKER COMBINATION for GYM!. Luckily I wrote it in the back of my AP Physics notebook. HAHA... it was a bad day for me.</p>

<p>Bah, it was alright. I seemed to have forgotten all my Calculus and the steps for the dance we're learning in Ballroom. Oh, and I had forgotten about a paper we had to write. Oh well, I'll hand it in late tomorrow.
But everything was really the same old same old.</p>

<p>I have not had a vacation in two months, and the first day back I don't remember, although it was probably normal.</p>

<p>Vacation? Was this a long weekend?</p>

<p>Pretty good, actually. Not too much HW or anything.</p>

<p>Today it was cold and was almost late because of the train and i failed history test which is my worst subject but passed my english and math test and later on this week there are other up comming tests.</p>

<p>Vacation? What vacation? lol you guys are lucky</p>