How will my schedule look to top notch schools?

My high school is transferring to a block schedule next year for my senior year. My junior year I took 3 APs, one honors, and one regular class, and for my senior year I opted to take 4 APS at school and Spanish 3 online (which I will finish most of this summer). Does the reduction in number of classes look bad to schools? I thought I was being smart by reducing the number but upping the rigor, but my counselor thinks it will look weak to schools. Thoughts?

I can’t imagine an AO looking at a schedule with 4 APs and thinking it’s “weak.” Double check with your GC, however, to make sure she will still put “most rigorous,” since she seems to have a distorted idea of rigor.

You could try to add an online class to up the rigor- but, 4 APs is very rigorous on its own.

Wait…how many periods a day do you have? WHen my kids school went to block scheduling (A days and B days) they actually ended up with MORE classes per year. Do you have some study halls?

Listen to your GC and see what they suggest as a schedule for you. THen come back and tell us what they proposed.

How many periods do you have each day ?
What AP 's are you talking about ?