How would you classify my colleges in terms of match/reach/safety?

<p>These are my stats:</p>

<p>SAT I : 2290
M: 800
CR: 720
W: 770</p>

<p>SAT II:
Math IIC: 800
(only one taken so far and only taken once)</p>

<p>GPA: 3.3 UW and I'm in the IB</p>

<p>Average ECs, won't detail them right now, just know that they're not horrible but they're not stellar.</p>

<p>The colleges I'm applying to are:</p>

New York University (ED)
John Hopkins
Carnegie Mellon
Boston University
U Illinois at Urbana Champaign
U Michigan at Ann Arbor

<p>I see you are currently living in Mumbai. Do you have a home state that would give in-state preference?</p>

<p>So sorry, I don’t chance international students. That is a completely different paradigm.</p>


You mean Maharashtra or a US state?</p>

<p>From another thread, OP is an expatriate so may have a US home state as a US citizen.</p>

<p>Yes to Erin’s Dad, I am an expatriate, and I have a house in New Jersey. I am a permanent resident though, not a US citizen.</p>