How's it lookin?

<p>I don't want to know "will i get accepted" but rather "should i even bother applying @ all"
Thanks to all who respond!</p>

<p>Male, Jewish, Private School, Rising Senior
GPA (without Judaic): 3.97; (w/ Judaic): 3.92
ACT: (highest so far): 32 (35,29,32,33, 12/35)
SAT: taking if semi-finalist
SAT II: USH - 800; plan on taking Math II/Lit/WH/Bio
AP: USH - 5; US govt - pending; plan on taking AP Calc, AP Bio, AP Lit (maybe)
PSAT: 216 (71,67,78); top 50,000 scorers</p>

<p>Curriculum (certain important things):
-AP USH in 10th
-Online AP Gov in 11th
-Dropped honors Bible in last quarter (not sure if this will show on transcript or not, since GC too dumb)
-AP Bio, ?Honors? Calc, Photogrpahy at local CC 12th</p>


<p>Writing: City Newspaper essay contest 1st place (9th); State finalist Letters About Literature (50,000 letters submitted nationally, mine was one of 5,000 to make it to national semi-finals (state finals) but did not make top three in state; i think one of 34 in state) (11th); NCTE nominee; Creative Writing Club (11th); Columnist/cartoonnist for local newspaper teen section (11th); extra learning with english teacher to be more challenged (will use this for rec, not for ec list); writing sporadically; </p>

<p>Art: Summer programs (Cranbrook rising soph; Saic rising jr); artwork from saic chosen to be on school website; learned with art tutor (10th); won four regional scholastic awards (1 certificate, 2 silver, 1 gold); art club (10th) (useless pretty much); captain of art for color war during summer of rising 9th (my team won both times); drawing/sketching sporadically; photography on own time</p>

<p>Religious: participant in organizations (9th-10th);on chapter board (11th); VP of chapter (12th); national bible contest - 10th, went to new york (national finals); 11th, qualified for national finals but did not go to new york; going on leadership program this summer (working in camp with Ukranian kids and then going through Polish concentration camps</p>

<p>Student leadership: student council rep (11th); class treasurer (11th-12th)</p>

<p>Community: helping elderly (all high school); proposed tutor program in 10th and it got accepted but failed to take root, hoping that nhs position will rejuvinate this; leading group and then going solo to group home for special needs every saturday (rising 10th-present); volunteering for organization that operates during summer that helps with various community projects in the downtown area (also liason between head of org and the school) (rising 10th-present); NHS member (hope to create program in school for visiting special needs homes)</p>

<p>Random: political conference (10th); stock market club (10th-11th); trained weather spotter for NWS (only on event basis (e.g. snowstorm occurs, i take snowfall totals)</p>

<p>PLANS (stuff i hope to do senior year that, obviously, will not allhappen):</p>

<p>New EC's: working for local ARC (Association for Retarded Citizens) chapter; president of student council; tutoring; tryin to find something involving meteorology (if anyone can help me with this would be great!!!!), brushing up on old piano skills (i took it for six years thenb dropped in 8th grade); model UN; working job one day a week</p>

<p>Contests/Things I'm applying for:
scholastic, letters about literature, the national writing board/concord review (possibly), getting published in newspapers (also submitting myturn to newsweek), citywide writing contest again, local art contest</p>

<p>Program's I'd like to set up or initiate:
setting up program in school to visit homes for mentally retarded (linked to program of house i'm working for), (i just got this inspiration! to set up a program in my school or anywhere to get kids to love history, i am the program for beautfying my city's contact in my school and want to get kids excited to participate next summer (this will begin in January and when I'm in college I definitely want to be one of the directors!) )help with ideas of how to set this up would be great), setting an academic decathalon track, book club</p>

<p>Other: no school profile, GC only has relationship with U of Mich, meager to no EC's, few to no applicants from my school (we're only 40 kids large and are off the map)</p>

<p>so there you have it!</p>

<p>Sure you should apply. Just pick a few things to especially emphasize about your application, avoid spreading yourself too thin and focus on achievement in a small set of areas (or even just one).</p>

<p>Focus particularly on your essay and why-columbia blurb. the more personalized attention you show Columbia, the better your odds.</p>

<p>Denzera's last comment (which he also told me when I applied last year) played a big part in getting me in. That why-columbia blurb is the baby-maker.</p>

<p>I said something about the city.</p>

<p>I'd say that your chances are about 20% if you apply, and 0% if you don't.</p>