<p>So, I just wanted feedback from the CC Community on my Planned Senior Year Schedule.</p>
<p>AP English Literature and Composition
AP American Government/AP Macroeconomics
Honors Anatomy and Physiology
AP Psychology
Newspaper Staff (Journalism II-Honors)
Latin I
AP Art/Drawing Portfolio</p>
<p>So, how is it? Would I have too much of a work load, because next year I will be continuing Crew 6 days a week, 3 hours a day. Is there anything wrong with my schedule?</p>
<p>Depends on what you think you can handle. Personally I was glad my son only took 3 AP’s senior year. Crew is very time consuming. So are your AP’s. What did you do this year? Senior year has the added time commitment of college applications/essays/scholarships to work on. So if you plan to apply to multiple schools/scholarships make sure you have time for those essays also! Also, make sure you enjoy your senior year!</p>
<p>its not too bad. Any suggestions on mine (i am a senior)
AP Physics C
AP Calc BC
AP English Lit
AP Psychology
AP Stats
AP Human Geo
then self study (over summer):
AP Government
AP Econ?</p>
<p>Looks good to me, but no math class?
Might want to rethink that, place it instead of Latin I maybe (unless you have no language credits yet).</p>