How's this course schedule?

<p>Hey everyone. I was just wondering if anyone has any comments or suggestions for my spring semester schedule. I'm taking:</p>

<p>CHM 304
MAT 104
FRS 144
ANT 206 (with fossil project, so it also counts as EEB 306)</p>

<p>I was looking for a fifth class that's light. Unfortunately, macro econ and ART 101 don't fit in the schedule. I was considering CHM 333. Any thoughts overall?</p>

<p>Anyone have any advice?</p>

<p>Probably better to just ask upperclassmen in real life, or use student course guide.</p>

<p>I did talk to my peer adviser but she hasn’t gotten back to me yet. I read on the SCG but I just wanted to get some more feedback if possible.</p>

<p>PHI 202 is a good light interesting course…if you can fit it I would recommend it. You get an EC out of the way and Michael Smith is awesome.</p>

<p>what sorts of classes are you interested in? Have you thought about taking the 5th class pdf?</p>

<p>I’m taking ANT 206 to fulfill the EC requirement and it will also fulfill the 300 level EEB class requirement for MOL majors. I wanted to take some interesting but not-so-intense science course or econ course that would fit my schedule. A lot of the lectures are offered the same time as the ANT 206 lectures.</p>