HS Classes

<p>Registration for classes is coming up and i am in a weird situation. I will be a senior next year and know that I want to major in pharmacy.</p>

<p>Here's what classes I will take next year:</p>

<li>AP Gov/ Econ</li>
<li>AP English 12</li>
<li>AP Environmental Science</li>
<li>Anatomy & Physiology</li>

<p>For the last two classes I could either take:
1. Chemical Technology and Photography</p>

<p>or </p>

<li>Pharmacy Clerk at a vocational school (will last 2 class period long).</li>

<p>What option should I choose if I am majoring in pharmacy? The problem with the pharmacy clerk is that it is at a vocational school (not sure if it will be easy to find a job) and the good thing is I will gain experience in the field before entering college. What would you do if you were in this situation?</p>

<p>pianoiscool - you came too late my friend - everyone despises these threads :O. An AP science might be useful perhaps</p>

<p>Oh, darn. I was gonna post one of these too, lol.
I have a 9-period schedule, two periods are lunch and gym, and one is H. Concert Chorus. For the remaining six periods, I’m left with six APs to take. I don’t know what to do! :frowning:
Pharmacy is better, but I think you could try an AP science that’s related. Only if you can handle it, though.
Good luck!!</p>

<p>Drop AP Env Sci and do Chem Tech. Self study AP Env Sci, it’s not very hard</p>

<p>And do pharmacy clerk at a voc school.</p>

<p>I’d go with as many AP classes as possible, but at my school the “outside school specialty things during the day” are mostly what the kids who aren’t doing well in school take, except maybe people planning on going into theatre. I don’t know how respected your vocational school is.</p>

<p>Yeah, at my school vocational classes are generally looked down upon, and with pretty good reason, since the rigor just isn’t there. If you’re interested in a more prestigious college, I’d stick with more traditional classes.</p>

<p>hmm… yeah. our vocational schools aren’t that great either and are usually for ppl who don’t do well, but i thought maybe i could gain some experience in pharmacy before i become a pharmacist. but chem tech is also pretty good, since it deals a lot with labs… i’m confused and registration ends next thursday. plus, there aren’t too many other AP science courses I could take- already took AP Bio and AP Chem this year. so only AP Physics and AP Env. are left. i don’t want to take AP Physics though. Any other ideas?</p>

<p>Take what sounds interesting to you.</p>