<p>For the last two classes I could either take:
1. Chemical Technology and Photography</p>
<p>or </p>
<li>Pharmacy Clerk at a vocational school (will last 2 class period long).</li>
<p>What option should I choose if I am majoring in pharmacy? The problem with the pharmacy clerk is that it is at a vocational school (not sure if it will be easy to find a job) and the good thing is I will gain experience in the field before entering college. What would you do if you were in this situation?</p>
<p>If you’re planning to apply to a selective college your proposed senior schedule, with the exception of AP English, is not strong – too many soft courses. I would recommend that you take different and core courses – in math, in science and in language. If you haven’t done so and your school offers an advance chemistry course (AP Chemistry?) that would be a good choice; in math a course in statistics or calculus or, if you haven’t yet taken it, pre-calculus; in language a continuation of whatever language you’ve taken so far.</p>
<p>The Pharmacy Clerk position should help your application, so I would recommend it instead of additional courses.</p>
<p>so there aren’t many other options left and i don’t want to take as many aps i did this year. do you have any other ap class recommendations? appreciate your help. :)</p>