HS Creative Writing Program for HS FreshmanSewanee vs UVA summer Creative Writing Program

I have a freshman who is very interested in creative writing and she is interested in doing a summer writing program. It looks like many of the programs are for older HS students. Two programs that accept rising sophomores are Sewanee and UVA. Anyone have familiarity with either? I’m more familiar with UVA as a school, but have heard little about their program. I was not familiar with Sewanee at all, but their program seems well regarded. I am looking for the best experience for my daughter, something motivating and challenging, so prestige isn’t as important.

Did you look into Interlochen?

I may have. If I recall, it was much more expensive.

My D did two as a rising sophomore (though not either of the ones you’ve mentioned) - check out:

  1. Between The Lines (through U of Iowa and the International Writing Program)…it’s a combination of creative writing and cultural exchange. The Identity and Belonging version is 2 weeks on campus and free of cost for the students selected to participate. (It is a more niche program than the U of Iowa main program so I don’t think entry is as competitive).
    Between the Lines | The International Writing Program
    My kid had to do it virtually due to Covid guidelines at the time, but last year they were in person, and the photos they posted of the experience looked great.

  2. Denison Reynolds Young Writers https://reynolds.denison.edu/
    8 days on campus. My D (who also had to do this one virtually) liked this the best of all her summer writing programs (though her experiences were probably skewed due to impact of Covid on the programs). Financial aid is available - we were able to get some.

Good luck!


Thanks so much! Those are both great programs as well. Unfortunately, BTL has a firm age requirement of 15 (she is 14), and Denison requires you to be a rising junior. There are so many great options for rising juniors!

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Hollins University has a great summer writing camp for a week. My D22 did it and really enjoyed it. Hollins has a very well regarded Creative Writing program with many award winners (Pulitzer, Man-Booker, etc) who hold a BA or an MFA from Hollins.


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Is the UVA program you are referring to the Young Writers Workshop? I did that program in high school and there is a really strong alumni network still–it is a fantastic program, but I thought it was on hiatus for 2023? I think it is coming back in 2024, however.

I know several people who have taught at the Sewanee program and it seems like it would be a great experience, as well. I’ve heard nothing but good things about it and the location is magical. Sewanee has an adult writing conference each summer that is very highly regarded and competitive to attend and the high school program attracts really amazing guest artists and faculty via that close connection.

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Just my two cents, our daughter also wanted to attend a writing camp at a similar age and we received valuable feedback from our school counselor: he felt that by waiting until she was a bit older it would be easier to accept the feedback on her own writing and she would also be able to provide feedback to others. Big difference between a 14 year old and a 17 year old. It could be a bit of a disadvantage to be one of the youngest and there are other things to do locally around writing in our area - for example local day camps that mapped to her age and also volunteering at creative writing camps for young children.

She did those things, successfully applied to several away writing camps for the summer of jr year not knowing covid would cancel all/move others online.

She is now in college majoring in English and continues to have a passion for writing.

Thank you, Sweetgum. I was not familiar with this program! I will definitely take. Closer look.

Thanks, I wasnt familiar with this program. I’ll take a look!

You are correct! They are revamping and will return in 2024. Glad you told me. I looked at it not long ago and thought it was a go for 2023.

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That is really odd advice your school counselor gave you @coffeeat3. My kid has been in creative writing camps since 4th grade and was able to learn how to give and receive criticism as an elementary school kid. I really see no point in waiting.

Hollinsummer is a great supportive environment, but it’s also at a school with a top notch Creative Writing program. You will see Hollins listed on many of the “best schools for creative writing” lists. There were 9th graders when my daughter attended and there was probably a bigger disparity in ages that year because it was 2021 and they were not able to run the program in 2020 when my daughter was first signed up to go. I think there were a lot of kids who ended up there in 2021 as rising seniors and juniors and sophomores when they might’ve come in 2020.

Keep it on the list for next summer if she is still interested/wants to do another program in addition to what she finds this summer! It has always been such a high-quality program with a lot of alumni who stay involved/invested in its future success. I imagine the revamp will be great! I’m still in touch with one of the instructors from the year I attended and I stayed in touch with several of my suitemates and continued to meet up with them for many years, despite living in different states.

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Our daughter had also attended many local writing camps starting at a young age and continues to have passion for writing as an English major in college. We found his advice very valid when we were looking at the costs to send her to an away writing camp (Iowa, Kenyon or Oxford) and agreed with him that she would get more value out of the camp when she was not one of the youngest - both socially and academically. It is all personal and I was just providing our experience.

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In the context of undergraduate creative writing programs, this site placed Sewanee in the top 10:

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hello! i attended the virtual sewanee session the summer after freshman year as well, and i thoroughly enjoyed my instructor and small group. i wouldn’t say my writing drastically changed afterwards but it did impart me with a sense of community and resolve to dive deeper into the writing world! feel free to message me with any questions.

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