HSC, Rhodes, Sewanee, Vandy?

<p>Anyone with any input comparing these schools?</p>

<p>S is very interested in education and working with hearing impaired kids, having lost much of his hearing as a kid and having surgeries and years of speech to recover.</p>

<p>Now he is a 6'5" basketball player, skis downhill and water and is a solid B+. Big on muskie and walleye fishing. Has done fairly well on his SAT IIs. Taking ACT today.</p>

<p>Vandy is going to be a major reach. But what about HSC? Seems like there are plenty of coeds in the neighborhood so social life should be okay. Compared to Rhodes and Sewanee?</p>

<p>Sweet Brir is down the road so not to worry. During weekends its like it's not a single sex school at all.</p>