HSF Hispanic Scholarship Fund

<p>I didn’t have either of my kids apply due to the odds and need factor since FAFSA is required.</p>

<p>Today I am kind of regretting my decision to make her apply for it. It was a lot of work and I don’t think she will have much success due to the FASFA requirement for some of the scholarships. Plus we hated finding out they had pop up essays which my D then had to do quickly. Lately my D has been on a good run with winning national scholarships/awards so we thought we would give it a try but by the time she was finished I was second guessing my decision. </p>

<p>Thanks for the info.</p>

<p>My son applied and today we received a request to submit our SAR Student Aid Report from the FAFSA. IS this a good sign? Does it mean anything? thanks…</p>

<p>It is a good sign. It means he made the first cut but there are additional stages to go through. It takes a while to go through them all and get notified if a student has won. My DD got the same email. Good luck. </p>

<p>I also received the request. Good luck guys!</p>

<p>any announcements on the HSF scholarships?</p>

<p>Pat2222 I have not heard back from HSF. Have you yet?</p>

<p>My DD today was notified that she was selected for a $2K scholarship from HSF. I am very happy since the money will come in handy. Good luck to everyone awaiting a decision. </p>

<p>Hi everyone. </p>

<p>itsv, did your DD win from the HSF General Scholarship, or was it another one hosted through HSF like Wells Fargo. Thank you for answering! </p>

<p>Does HSF announces the scholarships all at once?</p>

<p>My DD won a scholarship through the HSF General Scholarship. A couple of days before being notified that she won she received an email that she had not been selected for one of the other HSF scholarships ( I can’t remember if it was the Colgate or Wells Fargo one). </p>

<p>Based on my experience HSF does not announce all the scholarships all at once. They seem to trickle out the decisions. In a couple of weeks my DD and I are attending an invited reception for the HSF scholarship winners. I will ask them that question and try to get out of them any other information I can. </p>