HSF Hispanic Scholarship Fund

<p>One of the ones I was supposed to be notified of in May is still marked as “Reviewed”. But I won’t worry because they’re always late. Also they tell you if you lost I believe.</p>

<p>Hello everyone! I am confused at the moment because although I turned in all of my applications on time, my status is “complete” for all of the applications. Should my status be “reviewed” since they should be processing the applications now? I am worried because I definitely think I should receive an award. Thanks :)</p>

<p>Thanks for clearing that up for me.</p>

<p>My application for the Walmart Foundation Scholarship just changed its status to “SAR Received”!! All the others still say “Reviewed” though.</p>

<p>Awesome! Congrats, felinu!</p>

<p>Hi again & thank you Amandaphoria! :-)</p>

<p>I received an e-mail tonight from HSF letting me know that I won the Walmart Foundation Scholarship! So the “SAR Received” status is DEFINITELY a good sign, since it preceded my award letter! I hope all of you see “SAR Received” soon. :-)</p>

<p>P.S. Do you guys know if we can apply to HSF scholarships again if we have previously been awarded one? I know it asks on the initial registration if you’ve received an HSF scholarship before…</p>

<p>I believe you can! The scholarships are not renewable but you can apply next year. Might lower your chances though. Would you mind posting your stats, felinu? I’m still waiting for my results to come out and want to see whether I should be looking forward to or dreading it.</p>

<p>felinu, </p>

<p>let me know when you hear back about the colgate scholarhsip.</p>

<p>@Amandaphoria: Thanks for that info. My stats are as follows:
GPA: 3.48 UW 3.63 W</p>

Reading: 720
Math: 540
Writing: 710
total: 1970</p>

2 PSU Dual credit classes
3 AP classes</p>

-Have been volunteering with “I Have a Dream” Foundation since 3rd grade, putting in well over 10,000 hours
-Studied Swahili at University of Oregon in the summer
-OMSI Leadership
-Library Summer Reading Program
-Children’s Book Bank
-Oregon Food Bank

  • more</p>

<p>My need is very huge. EFC = 606. We lost our house & my mom lost her job and she’s the sole provider for myself & my brother.</p>

On the HSF website, it says: “Once you are selected for one scholarship, you are out of the running for the other applications you submitted.” so I don’t know if I will hear back from Colgate after accepting Walmart’s scholarship!</p>

<p>Oh wow, that’s a huge amount of hours. Looks like you’ve been really involved with your community and I think that’s what they’re looking for for sure. So sorry about your house and mom’s job. I wish you the best!</p>

<p>I was not selected for the Atlanta Coke scholarship. :c Still holding out a little bit of hope for the others. Oh well.</p>

<p>That’s right!! I forgot you can only be selected for one or something like that.</p>

<p>My thing says SAR Received, so I’m hoping I was selected!! :D</p>

<p>@Amandaphoria, Thank you so much! I’m sorry to hear about the Atlanta coke one. How many are you waiting on still?</p>

<p>@overachier01, Is that for the Colgate one? Hope you get it!!</p>

<p>I was “Not Selected” for both Coca-Cola Refreshments Northwest Region and got milk? Futuro con Leche. My status is still “Reviewed” for the General College, Colgate-Palmolive Haz La U, and Wells Fargo Bank.</p>

<p>@felinu it is the Colgate one! I want to be notified immediately! It’s the only one I applied to, so it’ll be nice to win. (: </p>

<p>And thanks!!!</p>

<p>Does anyone know how many General Scholarships are awarded each year by HSF?</p>

<p>Received email today I was not chosen for the Proctor & Gamble Orgullosa scholarship even though it still says its in progress & it does not say not selected</p>

<p>Has anyone else heard from the Procter & Gamble/Orgullosa scholarship? It’s still saying “reviewed” right now.</p>

<p>The status of my Exxonmobil application went from 'sar received" to awarded and then I acknowledged it, seems like I got the scholarship :)</p>

<p>Has anyone received news about notification? I know they said selections and notifications would continue throughout July but I am hoping no news means good news? My status says “SAR Received” and from other posts on here looks like that is a good sign–it never said “Reviewed” so it can go either way. </p>

<p>Any help with this?</p>

<p>So it is that time of year again? Did anyone else apply for HSF this year? </p>

<p>I saw a press release from the end of November that they routinely get 81000 applicants of which they find 25K to be qualified applicants and they awarded scholarships to 5100 students last year. </p>

<p>One question I have is should a middle class student apply to HSF? We look good on paper but we are taking care of relatives and can’t see the property (since they live in it) that drives our efc up. We only qualify for $5K in fin. aid so I am wondering if it is worth completing the application for HSF. My DD did it and it took a lot of time and I am wondering if that is the write decision. </p>

<p>I always have a spot soft for HSF; I was one of the first recipients of a HSF scholarship in the 70’s and it sure came in handy during those days. I always remembered looking forward to my letter from Ernest Robles. </p>

<p>Good luck to all those who applied.</p>

<p>My son is in the same spot as your D. At the end we decided not to apply because it is very unlikely to get an award due to amount of applicants and the amount of scholarships available.</p>

<p>S is going to focus in regional scholarships and school specific ones.</p>