Interesting tid bit.

LOL, I looked at the first university on the list for the state of AL… bama #1… maybe in football… this year. If you go by academics… just check every objective National listing, any category that competes with Auburn and you won’t find bama listed first. Friendly wouldn’t be a descriptive that the fan of any visiting team would use after visiting Tuscaloosa. You can throw that source in the trash. Now, with regards to MSU, you will find it is the better school academically head to head in the state of MS. My S is pursuing engineering… no contest from OM.

Does anyone know when Provost or Engineering scholarships are awarded?

@Gr8One , not sure about Provost, but Presidential finalists, if not awards, have been selected. I know this because my S was hoping to be selected, but missed out. He did receive notification, via email, of an engineering scholarship late Friday 2/12/16. The email said they aren’t currently able to indicate award via Academic Works portal due to some type of glitch, but letters would go out in addition to emails.

Thanks @WeSayWarEagle. S checked his email and did get notice of the Engineering scholarship. He and my wife will be visiting the campus this month. For him it is probably down to MSU or Arkansas.

@Gr8One, Congrats! Both choices you mention will provide a great education in traditional college towns. If Fayetteville weren’t so far away for us, we would’ve considered it. We traveled up there this past football season to watch Auburn @ Arkansas. My team lost, but the Arkansas fans are at the top of our list in terms of graciousness, class and hospitality. The campus is beautiful. Likewise, the folks at MSU exhibit true southern charm and kindness. We have traveled to many away games in “StarkVegas”, never with a bad experience. Campus is beautiful.

Distance/access may be the problem with us for MSU. 10 hour drive to get home for holidays, closest major airport 2 plus hours away. Fayetteville is 4 hours away, and there could be quite a few of his HS classmates going there as well.

I travel to AL frequently on business. The rivalry between Auburn and Alabama grads/fans is pretty entertaining for an outsider.

We did check GTR airport out in Columbus, just 15 minutes outside of Starkville. They have a shuttle service to and from MSU that just started up in Jan at no cost to students. Flights go out at 10:30 and 3:30 to Atlanta only. It’s a little more expensive but I think worth it for the few times kids would fly back and forth. The drive to Birmingham from Starkville was painless and Birmingham airport is smaller and easy to get in and out. Many students use that airport and Memphis. So sounds like getting a ride is good and kids share gas expense.

My S received his engineering scholarship on Saturday. We’ll see what else he might get from State but all offers are good. U of Ark will be higher than MSU but still offer good scholarships. Fayetteville is the nicest city and all cities leading into it are nice. Completely different than Starkville.

Both campuses are nice but we thought MSU was nicer.

The second time we also visited Alabama told us that it’s a extremely nice school, did not feel like a “big school " of $37000”, seemed to be meeting the demands of it’s students by it’s facilities, scholarships, and faculty. We were quite impressed …more the second time.

Let us know how things go at MSU Gr8One. And thanks to War Eagle for adding to this CC post on MSU. Also, keep us informed on what decision is reached for you all.