Human Resource

<p>Human Resource Management (HRM, HR) is the management of an organization's employees.
While human resource management is sometimes refereed to as a "soft" management skill,effective practice within an organization requires a strategic focus to ensure that people resources can facilitate the achievement of organizational goals. Effective human resource management also contains an element of risk management for an organization which, as a minimum, ensures legislative compliance.</p>

<p>Could someone help me with picking a nice Vacation Tracking software or a nice Attendance tracking.
I want something that be able to synchronize with Outlook calendar 2007 + and be able to handle department calendar and Admin calendar.
Right now we are using CommonOffice. But I do not want to pay. They are charging us 60 per month . I want a free solution and be able to use it off line. I want to have project management too. Has anyone used the vacationtrackingsoftware.or [GIVE another example of our URL]
1 – I want to track the vacation accrual
2 – Be able to run report for each month for each department.
2 b – Be able to submit a request on behalf of someone else.
3 – Be able to export to Peoplesoft.
4 – Be able to do Attendance tracking
5 – Vacation Management and Leave tracker.
6 – Be able to do Employee vacation schedule</p>