Human Science or Chem?

<p>Obviously they're in two diffrent schools but which would be most beneficial to pursue as a premed...? Both interest me very much but the difficulty of maintaining a high GPA as a chem major has me worried, any advice?</p>

<p>Human Science and Chemistry are really different. (Have you considered Biochemistry also?) To address your concern, it will be difficult to maintain a high GPA in either major. I'd say do what interests you more. The human science major is more bio based in that it covers a lot of the topics you learn in medical school (obviously in less detail). You take classes like human biology, pathophysiology, pharmacology, microbiology, molecular and cellular fundamentals, etc. it's very clinically based and isn't necessarily concerned with the basic laws of science, but their application to human health. chemistry/biochemistry is much more theoretical and the majors are designed to prepare students for the academic study of either field in grad school. chem majors take organic chem, physical chem, analytical chem, biochem, etc. overally, i would say the chem major is harder than human science, but med schools admissions committees know that an A-/B+ in physical chemistry is a sick accomplishment (physical chem is one of the hardest courses out there, and allegedly makes organic chem seem like a joke). oh also, biochem majors have the highest mcat scores on average and do really well in med school admissions.</p>

<p>short answer: do what you like.</p>