I’m doing research for into colleges right now and I’m curious to know how OSU and Humboldt match up. I’m specifically looking into biology with a minor in some sort of ecology/environmental field. What’s your guys opinions? I’m planning on pursuing a graduate degree after undergrad. Personal experience and opinions is appreciated!
What are your stats? What State do you live in? What’s your budget?
No comparison can be done until we know those details…
Are you talking about Ohio State or Oregon State? (And as a side note, anyone writing OSU really needs to specify between the two because it leads to misinformation and unneeded confusion.)
Humboldt State has a very distinctive personality and it’s in a very isolated location (not that Corvallis is particularly well situated). The students who thrive there, and I worked with several recent graduates, as well as know a few drop outs/ transfers from the school, very much fit the HSU stereotype. Before deciding between the two schools, assuming both are financially viable, visit Humboldt State. In all likelihood you’ll feel quite strongly about whether you’d fit in there.
@minohi Don’t forget Oklahoma State. I think it’s fair to assume that the OP is referring to Oregon State given the rather limited regional appeal of Humboldt State.
Touché. I assumed Oregon State as well since it’s geographically closest to Humboldt, but Ohio State is a huge school that draws applicants from all around the country, so a clarification is still necessary. (I guess it could be Oklahoma State as well but I highly doubt it.)