<p>^The point of the thread is to brag…</p>
<p>@Grisam - I took French 4 in my sophomore year … Lol. But I’m definitely not an over-achiever compared to other people in my school.</p>
<p>It seems as if the OP’s intention was this thread was to laugh at the measures that overachievers go to in order to receive a grade or what not.</p>
<p>I’m taking AP spanish lang jun year…</p>
<p>I was the only sophomore in my APUSH class and I’m pretty sure the only one to get a 5…The only sophomore to take any AP tests actually and I got 3 5’s. I was also the only person in my county to take an SAT Subject test this past July.</p>
<p>However, all of this can be attributed to my school district’s lack of a challenging curriculum and my desire to go to an Ivy League. Hardly anyone from my school goes to college out of state. In fact, most stay in the same town and go to the local university.</p>
<p>yeah you’re right. by brag I meant share crazy stories, and tekken was sharing one of himself (though I still don’t get the sarcasm). </p>
<p>and… my name is RALEC114 :mad:</p>
<p>:cool: :rolleyes:</p>
<p>Sad to say this, but I’m the overachiever at my school. All I do is do what is expected of me. If I have a 10 page paper, I write 9.75 pages. To me quality > quantity. The only time I participate in class is when I hate the teacher, I’m falling asleep, or when there’s incentives (like candy!). I hated my AP Lit teacher so I contradicted everything he said and supported it with evidence. I wanted to make him look a fool so bad, but I never succeeded.</p>
<p>And my class has only got around 180 kids, and no one really strives to go to college. I feel like a medium fish in a small pond…I’m no smart kid, I just happen to be one of the few kids who want to go to college.</p>
<p>Go away ■■■■■</p>
<p>Lol tunnelparent, I never said I was a hyperoverachivever</p>
<p>I sense some bitterness</p>
<p>You clearly have a complex where you feel the need to belittle people and feel superior, so please continue</p>
<p>^ The complex you’re referring to is the inferiority complex :)</p>
<p>The only low score is the 700 on the Math Level 2 which isn’t even a bad score considering that I haven’t taken Pre-Calc yet. You aren’t getting to me if that is what you are aiming for.</p>
<p>I am going to guess that you were previously banned. Lol, what was your old Username?</p>
<a href=“http://madmumblings.com/photopost/data/500/■■■■■-B-Gone.jpg[/img]”>http://madmumblings.com/photopost/data/500/■■■■■-B-Gone.jpg
<p>^twas cs12345</p>
<p>There are no huge overachievers in my school, but there is one boy who tries to overachieve in little ways.</p>
<p>When the chemistry teacher asks if anyone wants to help by cleaning up the petri dishes, he is the first to go.</p>
<p>That’s probably a bad example since he might just like chemistry. Or, um, the NHS meetings are a better example. We have to have so many volunteer projects with so many hours, so the sponsors tell us of upcoming volunteer opportunities, usually stuff like providing childcare during school board meetings, tutoring middle school students, doing Big Brother Big Sister, handing out cookies at blood drive, etc. The typical stuff. This boy is the first to sign up for anything, and he seems to rack up a ton of hours. I can’t tell if he just really cares about everything or he just wants to look good.</p>