HYPS Chance?

<p>When I was lurking here about 2 years ago I knew that some day I'd be posting a thread.</p>

<p>Today I got my AP scores (good use of $8) so here I am finally posting =D.</p>


<p>Asian, Chinese, China born Canadian citizen, US Permanent resident Male</p>

<p>GPA: (Through 11th grade. I hopefully won't collapse senior year):
3.95 Unweighted (One semester of a B)
4.47 Weighted
Rank 2 or 3 / 300 students at pretty decent public school in San Francisco bay area</p>

Geometry H
World Problems
English 1
Physical Education
Spanish 2
Earth Space Science
Computer Science</p>

Algebra 2 H
AP Computer Science
AP Chemistry
Physical Education
Spanish 3
English 2
World History</p>

Precalculus H
TA AP Chemistry class. Actually a paid position xD
English 3 Honors (basically AP English Language)
AP Physics
Spanish 4
AP Art History ((Class I got a B in for one semester T_T))</p>

<p>12th (Next year):
AP English Lit
AP Calculus BC
AP Spanish
AP Comparative Gov't
US Government
AP Biology
Web Development</p>

<p>Community College classes:
A - Intro Philosophy
A - Intro Business
A - Ethics
A - Music Appreciation
A - Macroeconomics
A - US History
A - Intro Sociology</p>

730 Reading
800 Math
760 Writing
2290 Total</p>

<p>217 PSAT</p>

800 Chemistry
800 Physics
800 Math II</p>

5 - Chemistry
5 - Computer Science AB
5 - English Language
5 - Physics B
4 - Art History
Self studied APs:
5 - Macroeconomics
5 - Microeconomics
5 - Environmental Science
National AP Scholar</p>

Track, soph and junior year and prob senior year. Didn't do much.</p>

* Co-found Co-president of ~ 35 person reading and arts club started in 10th grade.</p>

<li><p>Started and running a web design and programming company. I outsource work to reduce costs and allow me to go to school lol. About $7000 revenue annually</p></li>
<li><p>Started and running a Small eBay business selling random imported stuff with about 70-80 customers per month. Profitable but not by a large margin.</p></li>
<li><p>Started and working with about five friends this summer in a co-operative computer repair business which hasn't got far yet but hopefully will develope</p></li>
<li><p>Current doing an internship at Lawrence Berkeley Lab in Computational Research division</p></li>
<li><p>Microsoft Certified Professional: Microsoft Certified Desktop Support Technician. A entry-mid level certification</p></li>
<li><p>Sun Certified Java Programmer. Mid level Java certification</p></li>
<li><p>Captain of our school's 2nd science bowl team. 4th/25 place in regional competition. Top place for any school's 2nd team. (LOL 1st was our school, 2nd Monte Vista, 3rd Mission San Jose, competitive regional >.>)</p></li>
<li><p>Was on Otterbowl (Ocean Science competition) team 1 sophmore year. Took 4th/16 at Monterey regional</p></li>
<li><p>1st place in Environmental Science division at a small (3 or 4 school) science competition freshman year</p></li>
<li><p>Student VP of PTA (There is also a set of parent leadership positions in the PTA)</p></li>
<li><p>Can't think of anything else but if you read this with out paying attention it makes the list longer and makes me look good</p></li>
<li><p>Probably like 30 cumulative volunteer hours through high school</p></li>

Shouldn't be a problem</p>

<p>Aiming For:
Stanford (EA/ED)
Carnegie Melon
U Penn (Wharton)
UC Berkeley
UC San Diego</p>

<p>I'm looking to major in Computer Science or Economics or something business-y</p>

What I need to work on?? and what are my chances??</p>

<p>very impressive scores. I say a very good chance at Standard EA.</p>

<p>Stanford (EA/ED) - low reach
MIT - lack of math and science stuff - reach
Harvard - crapshoot for everyone
Carnegie Melon - in
U Penn (Wharton) - reach
UC Berkeley - match
UC LA - in
UC San Diego - in</p>

<p>p.s am I the only asian to get a 5 on art history? :)</p>

<p>you are def only asian with 5 on art history.
ima really have to spin the whole 4/B in art history thing somehow. sighhh too asian >.></p>

<p>You have amazing stats! I think you have a good shot for just about all the schools you listed. Did you think about applying to the University of Michigan? Their college is just as good (or around...can't remember the ranking) of UCB and UCLA, and you could apply preferred admissions into the Ross School of Business. Good luck!</p>

<p>you probably have a better chance getting into harvard than stanford. stanford is notoriously stingy in accepting candidates from the bay area.</p>

<p>damn >.> damn the bay area. i wish i were in kansas</p>

<p>Yeah, I think you'll be a competitive candidate at every school on your list - Harvard, Stanford, MIT... they're a crapshoot, who knows. But I'm going to say you're probably in everywhere else.</p>


<p>what should i be improving on? is it big problem that i have like no volunteer hours?</p>

<p>you are in at all these schools...U penn who knows because all the ivies are a crapshoot. chance me please (it'd be greatly appreciated!)</p>

<p><a href="http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/532689-help-me-please-chances-chances-more-chances.html%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/532689-help-me-please-chances-chances-more-chances.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>otterbowl???? lol
anyways you have a great shot everywhere...cool that you took "initiative"</p>

<p>Volunteer hours a good, but I've personally been feeling that people have been doing them to just for apps. I can honestly say I've never done anything in terms of volunteering that I wouldn't do for fun. If I were you, at least this is what I did, is if you have an elderly customer for your computer repair business, offer to help them, for free, to learn how to use things like e-mail, Skype, word processors, the internet, etc. It doesn't take that much time, you'll improve their QoL, and they'll really appreciate it. I've been doing that for years, as my mom has a lot of elderly friends, and they come to me for computer problems. (Old people make wonderful cakes. Is it still volunteering if you're in it for the cakes?)</p>

<p>I still receive emails from them, and its been years since I've had to visit. If there is hardware work to be done, I charge, but if it's software, I do it gratis.</p>

<p>Stanford (EA/ED) - a very good chance, but prepare to be disappointed
MIT - your relatively strong science background suggests to me that you should get in, but too competitive to predict with accuracy.
Harvard - a very good chance, but prepare to be disappointed
Carnegie Melon - safety
U Penn (Wharton) - don't know
UC Berkeley - safety
UCLA - safety
UC San Diego - don't even bother, you're in at UCLA and Berkeley, unless you like UCSD specifically.</p>

<p>above average ecs, impressive sat i and ii score i must say!</p>

<p>Stanford (EA/ED) - low reach (i don't think stanford has ED?)
MIT - high reach
Harvard - reach
Carnegie Mellon - IN
U Penn (Wharton) - reach
UC Berkeley - IN
UC San Diego - IN</p>

<li>Can't think of anything else but if you read this with out paying attention it makes the list longer and makes me look good</li>

<p>LOL, did anyone notice?</p>

<p>"stanford is notoriously stingy in accepting candidates from the bay area."</p>

<p>asdfjkl; really? is this really true?</p>

<p>and "Old people make wonderful cakes." is just HORRIBLE!! funny, yes...</p>

<p>your scores/grades are fine, and you're quite above average in EC's. </p>

<p>Stanford (EA/ED) - low reach
Harvard - reach
MIT - Reach
Penn wharton - reach</p>

<p>The rest you'll get into easily, and i think you should get in at least one of the schools mentioned above.</p>

Stanford is notoriously stingy in accepting candidates from the bay area.


<p>Can anyone confirm this? I've actually heard quite the opposite.</p>

<p>OP, if you really want to do Comp Sci, Harvard isn't the best place.</p>

<p>isn't stanford harder than the ones you listed, equilibrium? and just because you apply early does not mean you increase your chances too much, as the earlier pool are way more self-selected.</p>

<p>your in at all the uc's
you should be in at carnegie mellon
and I would think you have the strongest shot of getting into Penn and stanford, in comparison of mit and harv.</p>

<p>I think we played you at Otter Bowl and Sci Bowl this year. I was on MSJ C for Sci Bowl and A for Osci =D.
And good chances for all, I'd so screw applying to low ivies and SD, just do the top 2 UCs and HYPMS, etc.</p>

<p>How did u get such a high SAT score?</p>