I am #1 in the nation, #1 in the world.

<h1>1 for being myself.</h1>

<h1>1 in knowing the most about myself</h1>

<h1>1 for highest post count on my own Xanga, Invisionfree, Wordpress, Facebook, Livejournal, and Tripod blogs</h1>

<h1>1 in sending the most e-mails to myself</h1>

<p>Man I'm proud. :D</p>

<h1>1 for meaningless posts :D:D:D</h1>

<p>I'm #2 though.</p>

<p>Actually, I'm #1 for knowing most about yourself. You're way down the list (after all my spies, of course). Pretty soon, I'll be #1 for being yourself, and you won't even by on the list.</p>

<p>Yes but I'm #1 in the universe; currently the most awesome person alive.</p>

<p>IK, I don't know if this is the best way to go about not getting your account deleted.</p>

<p>say whhhattt?</p>