I am a questbridge finalist


<p>I am a quest bridge finalist for 2012 and I am ranking Yale.
I have only taken act without writing. This Saturday Oct 27, I will be retaking act with writing. The deadline to submit score is Nov 1 and I want to know if they will wait for my score or not.</p>

<p>Thnx in advanced.</p>

<p>Sent from my Nexus 7 using CC</p>

<p>Congratulations. Yes, Yale will consider scores from the October 27th ACT test.<br>
See β€œThe last possible test dates.” Those dates apply to Questbridge, as well: [Standardized</a> Testing for Freshman Applicants | Yale College Admissions](<a href=β€œhttp://admissions.yale.edu/standardized-testing]Standardized”>Standardized Testing Requirements & Policies | Yale College Undergraduate Admissions)</p>