I am back. &nd ready to chance you!

<p>transferring from UCR to UCLA, UCSD<em>, UCI</em>, UCSB as a junior
(* indicating that I really want to get into this school) </p>

<p>UCLA - Psychology (ALT: Lingustics & Psychology)
UCSD - Psychology (ALT: Language, Culture, and Society)
UCI - Psychology (ALT: Psychology & Social Behavior)
UCSB - Psychology (ALT: Linguistics - Specialization in Language and Society) </p>

<p>GPA: N/A (It’s actually my first year at UCR, but because of AP credit and the community college classes I took before entering UCR, I’m currently a sophomore and will be a junior by the end of this spring.)
* But by the looks of it, I should have a 3.75- 3.78GPA for fall quarter. </p>

<p>UCLA - will not complete pre-reqs in time (missing 1 intro to phil, 1 lifesci)
UCSD - will not complete pre-reqs in time (missing 1 cs)
UCI - will not complete pre-reqs in time (missing 1 cs, 1 soc sci, 1 calc) (missing 1 socecol and crm/law for alt major)
UCSB - will complete pre-reqs in time</p>

<p>GE - will not finish UCR’s curriculm for GE in time </p>

President of Culinary Arts Club
Historian of Culinary Arts Club
Secretary of Culinary Arts Club
Activities of Future Medical Leaders/HOSA Club
Vice-President of Korean Club
Member of Ecology Club
Violinist for 9 years
Volunteered at Disneyland’s ½ Marathon’s Customer Service/Racer Registration Booth
Hospital Volunteer
Tutor at local tutoring center
Currently working for UCR’s dining services</p>

AP scholar for 2 consecutive years
Honors for maintaining a high GPA back in high school
Honors for being a distinguished CSF member
Two awards for being a hardworking UCR dining services employee </p>

<p>Other: first generation college student</p>

<p>thank you so much for taking the time to chance me! :slight_smile: (and yes, I know I have a high chance of not being admitted into UCLA because of the pre-reqs issue but that’s fine if I can just get into UCI or UCSD… ): )</p>

<p>**@bwils2100: Hey! So sorry for replying late! You have a great chance at all of the UC’s except for UCLA. UCLA you have an okay chance just for the fact that they are looking for a 3.3-3.5 for Art History! It would really depend on your EC and your personal statement! :relaxed: But overall, you will get accepted to almost all of the schools! Let me know if you would like me to edit your essay or if you have any additional questions! :relaxed: </p>


<p>@MikeT92: Hey Mike! Sorry for replying super late! You have a 70% chance of getting into UCLA. They will probably pick a person who completed 2nd semester of OChem, who has the same stats over you. But, don’t freight, you’re GPA is great! You have a good chance. How is your PS coming along? :relaxed:</p>


<p>@Quantam12: Hey Quantam! CS is a very tough major to get into. My friend got in with a 3.8+ and said it was super difficult! :confused: But if you raise up your GPA, and like you said…you have shown a high upward grade trend then you will be fine! It seems like you got your PS reviewed by a CAL rep and you are in Berkeley’s TAP program! That will for sure help! I would say you have a 99.5% chance at UCSD and a 90% at CAL! You will be fine; I promise! Let me know if you have anymore questions! :relaxed:</p>


<p>@Orange283: Hey! You’re stats look really good for all the schools. Do you have any work experience for Haas? If you have really good EC for Haas and a great PS you’ll be just fine! &nd yes, I would write down your time in Ecuador and your experiences there. Talk about how you plan on interning for Morgan Stanley! :relaxed: UCLA will be a little bit easier to get into for business econ. :relaxed: Let me know if you have any additional questions! </p>


<p>@Cinnabon1234: Hello! You have a really good chance of getting into UCD and UCSD! :relaxed: Try to maintain the 3.7 and you are solid. Pre-reqs that aren’t completed by the end of Spring will hurt your chances, as well as your IGETC. Try to finish them and you will have a good chance. :relaxed: Don’t hesitate to ask any other questions! </p>


<p>@Bhargav21: Hey!! I would definitely apply and give it a shot. A 4.0 is a really good GPA. It seems like you want to apply to UCLA/UCB/UCSD. My friend transferred from SJSU → UCSD. It will be harder then a CC applicant → UC but that doesn’t mean you won’t have a chance. Don’t have anyone tell you it’s not possible. She did an amazing job on her PS. Try working on your personal statement and such and you will do just fine! :relaxed: Let me know if you have anymore additional questions! </p>


<p>@HopingToXfer: You will be fine getting into either or school. I feel like you will get into both or one or the other. But, you WILL get accepted to one for sure. EC’s look good and the topic of your PS looks like it is going in the right direction! TAG does not lower your chances at non-tag schools. Keep your head up and you’ll do just fine! Let me know if you have any questions!</p>


<p>@JulianLee93: Hey! Raise up your GPA to a 3.35-3.5+ and you will be fine for UC → UC transfer. EC’s are looking good which will definitely help out your chances and your PS topics look good as well! :relaxed: Keep it up &nd if you have any questions please contact me! </p>


<p>@Arcticstrokes: Hey! I am so sorry to hear about your mom :frowning: and your financial situations. Trust me, I know how it is! I totally respect you for being so strong through your difficult times. I think if you tie in your past experiences and why you want to be a psychology major then that would be a great way to show your passion and who you’ve grown as a person. You’re GPA looks good. You being in TAP, finishing PRE-REQS, and IGETC WILL HELP YOU! I seriously think you will get into UCLA! If not, shame on them! Let me know if you have any additional questions or if you ever need anyone to talk to! :relaxed: </p>


<p>@NanaFiore: Hey! Your stats are amazing! :relaxed: Unfortunetly, you are right…UCLA will not accept you because of pre-reqs. I know that the other UC’s might be a little bit more lenient. You will probably get into UCSB. UCSD & UCI will be a bit of a stretch considering you did not complete the pre-reqs and because psychology is almost impacted everywhere. But, you still have a good chance! I would contact them and ask about not completing pre-reqs! :relaxed: Let me know if you have anymore questions! </p>


<p>Ok, So I get credit for all of my AP’s that I did and psych 1. I’ll have a 3.3 after this semester (huge upward trend lol went from japanese i took while i was in highschool (sports and 4 APs) that I got a c then f then summer with a C in wr1 and a A in mus 27 and now this semester an A in all 4 classes hahaha</p>

<p>Applying to:
-UC Davis - Managerial Economics
-UCLA - Business Economics
-Cal Poly SLO - Business Administration
-SDSU - Business Administration </p>

<p>*First year at CSU
*Second year at CC</p>

<p>GPA: 3.76</p>

<p>IGETC completed
All pre reqs except calculus II. (not doing it)</p>

-Part time job at Fry’s Electronics 20 hours a week
-Business club
-PASA (club)
-Volunteer assistant coach at Golden State Wrestling
-First generation college student
-CSU, East Bay honors society


<p>applying to
ucd,ucsb,uci,ucsd all for econ or business econ
currently at ucr
GPA: 3.36
I’ll have all the prereqs and GEs done
pretty much no ecs</p>


<p>UC—>UC transfer here</p>

<p>GPA: Expecting it to be 3.7, maybe 3.67. Dropping from a 3.75 (included reasons in App)
UC Reciprocity: nope.
Prereqs Done: All done by the end of this fall quarter AND two upper division courses in the major.
Major: Italian Studies
Transferring from: UCSB
Applying to: UCLA, UCD
ECs: Italian Club, and other various community service/volunteering. Also listed high school activities on the app.</p>

<p>If you are still chancing, can you help me out :slight_smile: Thank you in advance!!</p>

<p>I’d like to attend UCLA or UCSD, but also applying to CAL, UCSB and UCSC
I know CAL is a reach with my stats but it would be a dream come true.</p>

<p>Currently at my cc I have a 3.78 GPA
Fall 2011
Beginning Ceramics I A<br>
Dance A
English A
Environmental Science B
Film A</p>

<p>Spring 2012
Archaeology B
Music A
Music II A
Psychology A
Film II W</p>

<p>Fall 2012 (predicting grades)
Zoology A
Film II retake A
Theater A
Sociology A
Algebra B (worst case scenario C…I’m trying)</p>

<p>Planned courses for Spring 2013:
Sociological Problems
Sociological Analysis
English II

<p>Will have all prereqs and IGETC done by spring.
TreeP<em>eo</em>ple trains com<em>mu</em>ni<em>ties to Vol</em>un<em>teers help to main</em>tain trails and parks by plant<em>ing trees 12th+ (1) 5 1
JBBSLA Camp Max Straus
Camp Max Straus is a camp serv</em>ing un<em>der</em>priv<em>i</em>leged kids from Los An<em>ge</em>les County. Vol<em>un</em>teers help to lead a cabin as well as as<em>sist in var</em>i<em>ous run</em>ning pro<em>grams. 10th, 11th 96 5
Motion Picture Home
Mo</em>tion Pic<em>ture pro</em>vides re<em>tire</em>ment liv<em>ing ac</em>com<em>mo</em>da<em>tions for the el</em>derly. As a vol<em>un</em>teer, I helped to serve meals and trans<em>port res</em>i<em>dents around the fa</em>cil<em>ity. 10th 6 12
Work Experience
Title & Responsibilities Years Dates Hours
Re</em>spon<em>si</em>bil<em>i</em>ties in<em>clude help</em>ing el<em>e</em>men<em>tary and mid</em>dle school stu<em>dents with home</em>work and pro<em>jects as well as pre</em>pare them for exams and quizzes after school. 12th+ (2) 11/2011 - present<br>
4 (Sch)
Cabin Counselor
Lead a cabin of 7-11 year olds, guided them through activities and created a cabin culture. 12th+ (1) 06/2012 - 08/2012 96 (Smr)
Sales Associate
Re<em>spon</em>si<em>ble for di</em>rect cus<em>tomer in</em>ter<em>ac</em>tion and care, main<em>tain</em>ing store or<em>ga</em>ni<em>za</em>tion; fold<em>ing and re</em>stock<em>ing mer</em>chan<em>dise, gift wrap</em>ping for the hol<em>i</em>day sea<em>son. 12th+ (1) 09/2011 - 01/2012<br>
27 (Sch)
Earnings PurposeEdit
I have put a vast ma</em>jor<em>ity of my earn</em>ings into a sav<em>ings fund ded</em>i<em>cated to my fu</em>ture ed<em>u</em>ca<em>tional goals. The rest has been used for basic ne</em>ces<em>si</em>ties, such as car pay<em>ments and com</em>mu<em>nity col</em>lege fees.</p>

<p>Awards & Honors
Award/Honor Name & Description Type Date Received
Moorpark College Dean’s List
Earned a place on the Dean’s list for my Spring 2012 se<em>mes</em>ter based on su<em>pe</em>rior aca<em>d</em>e<em>mic achieve</em>ment and at<em>tain</em>ing an ex<em>cep</em>tional grade point av<em>er</em>age. Academic 07/2012
Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society
In<em>ducted into the Phi Theta Kappa honor so</em>ci<em>ety based on full-time stu</em>dent sta<em>tus in ad</em>di<em>tion to an ex</em>cep<em>tional grade point av</em>er<em>age. Academic 03/2012
Extracurricular Activities
Activity Name & Description Years Hours Weeks
Art Studio Lessons
I at</em>tend an art stu<em>dio weekly in order to en</em>hance my skills in free<em>hand draw</em>ing, paint<em>ing, and sculpt</em>ing. 12th+ (1) 3 1
Junior Varsity Swimming
As a mem<em>ber of my high school swim team, I at</em>tended daily af<em>ter-school prac</em>tices and com<em>peted against other high schools dur</em>ing swim meets. 10th 5 18</p>

<p>My essays are okay…I had a hard time writing them.</p>

<p>THANK YOU again!</p>

<p>@ppm - wh<em>at maj</em>or a<em>re you</em> ap<em>plyi</em>ng fo*r?</p>

<p>Also although I submitted it already would you like to read my personal statements?</p>

<p>Here is my info, please chance me!! Thanks in advance (: </p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/uc-transfers/1424407-what-my-chances-transferring-ucla.html#post15112228[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/uc-transfers/1424407-what-my-chances-transferring-ucla.html#post15112228&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Hey guys …
I am Mechanical Engineering major from CCC … I am a returning student with 5 years of work experience (never went to college, started job right after high school due to financial constraints and I am a recent immigrant, came to USA about a year ago). Time is a major factor for me and I had to transfer as soon as possible, which’ll take me 3 semesters to complete all my pre-reqs. and had to support my self financially so had a part time job as a Physics lab technician at my community college. This pace and busy scheduling did not allow me to focus 100% on my studies and my GPA suffered, by the end of this Semester I’ll end up with 3.4-3.5. I’ve already applied for admission and hoping to get in UCSB or UCI for Mechanical Engr … Are my stats good enough for transfer to UCI or UCSB ?? … or my GPA is too low for these schools ??</p>

<p>@UCBhopeful16 whoops, Sociology major. and sorry for all those stars, don’t really know what happened there</p>

<p>Major: Biology
Applying to: UCB, UCLA, UCSD
Applying from: SMC (CCC)
Overall GPA: 3.92 (by Fall 2012)
Major GPA: 4.00</p>


  • hospice volunteer
  • church band singer
  • science tutor at my college
  • no work experience
    (I don’t have much EC done)</p>

-Igetc done by Spring 2013
-All bio pre-reqs done by Spring 2013 except for the second part of Physic with Calculus (but I am planning to take it at different college in Spring since my bio class and the physics class overlap… or is that necessary?)</p>

<p>Additional comment:
I was doing really well in school until this summer and got a D in my first O chem class, currently retaking it and I am pretty sure I am gonna get an A. Also, I withdrew from two courses this semester: Cal 2 and second part of Physics with Cal. I am not sure how UCs are going to look at this… because I have all A’s in my other courses until this summer, and I kinda screwed up the summer and this fall semester :frowning: but my GPA is kinda good considering my major.</p>

<p>Another thing that bothers me is that I have 1 D, 1 F, and 4 Ws
I got an F from my English class when i started college but I retook it and got an A. I didn’t even have to take that class b/c I had AP credit for it. A</p>

<p>Schools: UCB, UCLA, UCSD (TAG), UCD, Cal Poly Pomona
Major: Political Science (everywhere)
GPA: 3.75 [Upward trend but B in a polisci course. A’s in rest of major prep]
Units completed: 61 (8 more in progress)
IGETC + Major prep + Scholars program (TAP) all finished as of spring 2012
No Ws, enrolled in every full time every semester since I started in 2010
High income bracket
Activities and awards: A.S. commissioner for two semesters, worked on friends city council campaign, founding member of local republicans club, worked 25-40 hours every semester, PTK member, volunteer production assistant beginning in August, pseudo-babysitter at times for my little brother starting right before i enrolled in SMC,
Essays: 8/10.</p>

<p>Hey everyone! Today is the big day for most of you! Please keep me updated. Good luck :slight_smile:</p>

<p>P.S. Just checked everyone who posted above me who I didn’t get to and checked everyones stats. Looks like everyone will either get into CAL or UCLA or maybe even both :)</p>


<p>Thank u soooooooooo very much for chancing me. I got into Berkeley and UCSD. I have last question to u.</p>

<p>i have been admitted to L&S CS for fall 2013, but i have a feeling that a low gpa from Cal will ruin my chances at big name grad schools like Stanford, MIT,Cornell or even at berkeley. And everybody is discouraging me not to go there if i want to get phD from these big name schools because a low GPA from cal might not please the grad schools, even though they know how hard it is.</p>

<p>Do you think it is worth attending cal if i want to go to those grad schools? btw, UCSD is my back up. i think i can manage my studies at UCSD than Berkeley (UCSD is also a difficult schools though). i don’t know what to do.It’s a very hard to reject a school like Berkeley.</p>

<p>Thanks a lot once again :)</p>

<p>Hey there, wanted to see if I could get chance’d</p>

<p>Applying to UCLA, UCB, UCSD, UCD, UCI, UCSB</p>

<p>Transfer Method: CCC to UC</p>

<p>Major: Chemical Engineering
Overall GPA: 3.76 (without taking into account A’s in spring)</p>

<p>Pre-reqs: Will be completed by Spring except for Organic Chem, will try to take over the summer</p>

<p>EC: MESA officer, treasurer. Part of SETA. Science department award, English department award. Tutoring for Calculus and Physics. Quite a bit of community service for my CC and the public library, about 300+ hours. Trying to get an internship too.</p>

<p>To clarify, the reason my GPA is so low is because I ended up getting a C in Calculus 1. I basically had an anxiety attack on the final which made my grade drop from an 87.32 to a 72.54. I’ve gotten A’s on everything since then, including Calculus 2 and 3. Also, the C occurred during my second semester of Freshman year. I’m just so bummed out that it took that much of a toll on my grade. I’ve gotten A’s in everything so far, except for one lone B+ in English 2.</p>

<p>If I get all A’s this spring semester, which I probably will, my GPA will rise to a 3.82. Will the UC’s even see it?</p>

<p>What can I do to help alleviate the effect that C had? Can I address it in my application?</p>

<p>Are you going to tell the UCs you get anxiety attacks on final exams?</p>