<p>I usually get 1 wrong on medium passages (7questions), and 1 or 2 wrong on longer/pair passages (13questions). These passage questions are from Kaplan's Critical Reading Workout Book. I heard Kaplan is relatively easy, so I am not so sure if those represent my real skill. What do you guys think I am going to get on the real SAT CR? (I am aiming for high 600~700 flat.)</p>
<p>p.s. Those questions I get wrong are because I am very hasty during the test. I tend to skip questions if I think I found the real answer. How can I reduce my "hasty" nature?</p>
<p>Well, I don't know much about test prep books in general--although I would think that if you want the most authentic test prep and the best gauge of your abilities that you should go for College Board's official prep books/practice tests--but I can give you advice about being too hasty. You have to FORCE yourself to:
a) Read every answer choice. You just have to. To help yourself do this..
b) Consider putting a little mark by each answer choice. I put an "X" next to each answer choice that I believe is incorrect--I even do this for the easiest questions. This forces you to consider each choice, and when the question is tough it can help you to clearly eliminate the incorrect answers and get it down to a couple of possibilities.</p>
<p>thank you advantagious</p>