Everything looks gigantic. I refresh and, after 1 or 2 times, it goes away.
I don’t know if anyone else is having this problem, but I just wanted to flag it.
And the missing icons still are a problem. Anyone else having this problem, consider doing a hard reload by pressing SHIFT and your reload button on your browser simultaneously. It usually restores the icons, but sometimes you have to do it a few times before it takes hold.
Sorry to spring this on the admins on a Friday afternoon/evening.
ETA: I deleted the reference to the Chrome browser in the OP title, since this appears to be a cross-browser issue (e.g., Chrome, Safari, Firefox etc)
Ok, I kinda’ cheated by hitting back on the browser, so that’s probably not a replication of the events causing the issue. However, here is a screenshot where it looks like the page is massively magnified:
I again got the giant incons. While the page was reloading, there was a momentary pause where the screen simply said “loading.” Then the giant icons appeared.
When things are normal when I do a back or refresh, I get five colored dots before the reloaded page comes in normally.
@CC_Jon check my settings, if you can. As you know, I usually am the one who has difficulty with this site. I’ve sent tons of screen shots of odd things. But none of these new things are happening to me…and I’m wondering if my CC setting has anything to do with that.
This has also been missing on my pages off and on. I “Liked” a post today by clicking on empty space where the thumbs up usually sits. I was proud of myself for guessing the correct spot.
Well, when it comes to liking any of my posts, I will be happy to show you exactly how to fix the problem.
Seriously, though, including the INSPECT details is probably the single most helpful suggestion. I will remember that. From your screenshots, I can see there are flagged errors.
It’s been decades since I did HTML programming, but including the INSPECT text is probably the fastest way for the admins to solve this issue.