I am interested in going to Law School Abroad

<p>Currently have a 3.2 GPA (Canadian) and I am interested in Law Schools Overseas. Any of you know any good ones. I did hear it is also a lot easier getting into the schools overseas simply because they overcharge so much for international students. Not sure if thats a good or bad thing</p>

<p>Are you allowed to practice law in Canada with a foreign degree? Here in the U.S., a foreign law graduate must obtain a LL.M. (masters in law) from a U.S. law school before they can sit for a bar exam. And there are even restrictions on that in many states.</p>



<p>There is a qualification process which is long and difficult, and almost always includes having to take more classes. It’s not something that is recommended because Canadian firms realize that the reason someone goes overseas is usually because they are unable to get into a Canadian law school. Finding an articling position in Canada after studying overseas is extremely difficult.</p>