I am no longer in high school

<p>Hi all. I had gone to high school outside US until 5 years ago.Recently I decided to apply to any colleges in US but one problem appeared.My high school terminated any document concerned about me because it past several years from my graduation date. In my country, teachers often move to another high school so teachers who know me well isn't in my high school now.It means I will not be able to provide secondary school report and Teacher's evaluation.It's terrible thing.I asked to colleges about my case is admitted as one of applicants or not. So they answered my application will be evaluated same as another applicants .But I'm worring about disadvantage caused by not providing such a materials.
So how do you think about my case?? Will college admitt me by high SAT scores and essays??</p>

<p>Well, if your SAT’s really high and you write excellent essays, you always have some kind of a chance… </p>

<p>However, a few recommendations about how you are as a student will certianly help a lot when they are evaluating some 29 000 applicants. You should at the very least provide them with a laundry list of activities you have done since you completed high school, why you chose to take several gap years, etc. You have most certianly not locked yourself up in a cave since you left high school, so I bet there are other guys than your former teachers (a person can change a lot over 5 years) who know you well and can ramble a little about how excellent a person/student you are.</p>

<p>Do you work somewhere? Then your boss should be able to give you a good rec :slight_smile: That’s at least a start…</p>

<p>I am in the same position, applying after two years and no recs from teachers.</p>

<p>I am however sending them recs from my employer, and few clients (I work in pr)</p>

<p>As Kraus says, you can get letters of recommendation from your supervisors at work, work colleagues, etc. In the US, lots of people go to college after several years in the work force, and have lost contact with their old teachers. You won’t be alone.</p>

<p>If there are any teachers who you remember well, and who you can get in touch with now, you could ask them for letters of recommendation. Teachers change schools all the time. Since you’ve been out of school for 5 years, no one will think it is strange if the teacher writes something like:</p>

<p>“take7 was one of the best students in the class I taught six years ago when I was teaching at XXXX Secondary School.”</p>

<p>Wishing you all the best.</p>