I am quitting NetHack, and other such things. (I'm also leaving.)

<p>So I had a ten-page paper due today at 2:30 pm. I started it at 10:30 am. By the deadline, I had finished three pages. Out of ten. Had my promising NetHack character not stupidly died around 5 am to a blast of disintegration (no reflection, grr), I probably would have started it later.</p>

<p>The only reason I am not smoked right now is
(a) it was only supposed to be a rough draft.
(b) I'm on pass-fail.</p>

<p>I am about equally smoked in my other classes. As in, I've started falling asleep in class and now have no clue what the hell ligands are and how they are relevant to the rest of chemistry. And I have a physics set that's due tomorrow that I haven't started yet. And it's going to really suck when I start failing stuff and lose my scholarship. (I need to keep at least a 3.5 GPA. At this rate, it's not going to happen and I'll have to become financially dependent on my parents again, which will suck.)</p>

<p>So I'm about to kill my computer entirely for a term, and see how it goes. This also means I won't be around here for a while. So see you guys later -- maybe.</p>

<p>Love and snuggles,

<p>[P.S. I am using this account because my dad stalks my posts on the other one.
This is the only reason he knows what I'm majoring in. And other such things about me.]</p>

<p>I thought that the minimum GPA for Axline was 3.0.</p>

<p>But you're on Lingle, which might have a higher GPA cutoff (in which case, that would suck). </p>



<p>Is it 10 pages double spaced? (mehhh, I've never had the experience). </p>

<p>I'm screwed too (except that I'm surfing too much Wikipedia and other various websites). But I have little to lose and my parents have gotten used to it. Even though it will ultimately kill my chances to any respectable grad school. blergh. But in my case, I have a longer record of procrastination-induced self-pwnage. </p>

<p>hah, I'm sure you'll turn around. though I doubt that you'll really return to CC (or return to CC in the way you used to be). meh, college does that to people (unless they happen to go on a trajectory as abnormal as mine)</p>

<h1>In any case, you're probably better off than some Techers that Ben Golub et al. have mentioned. :p</h1>

<p>anyways I haven't been on the computer for all of today (granted i took a melatonin pill and fell asleep for like half the day). well i started to sleep at ~9 AM. at least i have the whole night to myself. but i'm quitting CC and everything else too. granted virtually nothing of interest came up in my daily check-ups. maybe i could ground myself from the computer for the next month or so too (well, winter break is coming up). but going to CC and nethack during winter break would be a total waste of time as you can be doing more productive things (such as pre-studying for next quarter, which makes things so much more relaxing for that next quarter!)</p>

<p>Might ditch CC for a month, cuz of college apps and other..crap.
MIGHT ;)</p>

<p>pppsssshhhh...I ditched it for 6 days when i did my essays for QB :D</p>

<p>(nearly) everyone eventually ditches CC and succeeds</p>

<p>I know this as a fact, as I've been here since 2004.</p>

<p>i'm one of the only exceptions, and I'm probably the only exception here (the others are in the parents forum)</p>

<p>not like i waste much time here compared to wikipedia though</p>

<p>People need to learn some self-control. If you have work to do, get off the damn internet and games and get it done. Really not that hard.</p>

i'm one of the only exceptions, and I'm probably the only exception here (the others are in the parents forum)


There are others in other parts of the site too.</p>


<p>I feel like IK and fizix are really done for good now.</p>