<p>First I chose psychology but I didn't like it much. Then, I decided on music but realized that I didn't have enough passion for it to practice as much as is needed. So then I decided to choose something a bit more practical: computer information systems. However, I realized that it's really hard to get into ASU's business school and that you pretty much need a 4.0. I also realized that I can't do brief calculus. I feel so discouraged. If I can't do math, what can I do? I am having a really hard time coming up with something marketable and doable for me. What can I do that doesn't require too much math? Is there anything? Should I just choose a different college that doesn't have such a competitive business school so that I can get a BA in business since that's at least pretty marketable compared to most other liberal arts degrees? I am in community college right now, by the way.</p>
<p>Try quizfarm.com or some other similar program to do a personality profile and what your interests are.</p>
<p>Then try and look at jobs which interest you. You may decide college is necessary for all jobs fileds.</p>
<p>My nephew did a computer tech course at a Com College and now works for USIAD and makes 60K/yr.</p>
<p>Also, talk to your CC career people and get some guidance.</p>