I am worried my application is too similar to my sibling's

Hello, I am applying Early Action to a T20 school where my sibling is a senior. The application asks for the names of any siblings who attend/attended the school. My sibling is also very involved in the school, and they could easily pull up their application.

The problem is, I have participated in very similar extracurricular activities as my sibling and, accordingly, will be writing about similar things.

What do you suggest I do? Is there anything I can/should do or am I just overthinking?

Thank you.

You’re overthinking. AO’s don’t have time to pull sibling’s’ applications for comparison


What you can do is be unique in your application. There are going to be many applicants who have done the same things that you and your sibling have done. It’s all about how you present yourself. You are who you are, and as long as you feel you have accurately conveyed who you are, there isn’t anything to do but wait.


No one is going to think about your sibling. If you’re lucky, they’ll consider your application good enough to fully review it, and it will stand on its own. Just don’t use your sib’s essays!


You are overthinking. Your body of work is yours. Unless you copied the essay or faked LORs and they are identical, you have nothing to worry about. Even then, you have nothing to worry about although don’t do that :slight_smile:

You are you. Your sibling isn’t.

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And under many interpretations of FERPA, they do not even have the right to do so.

That’s what I was thinking, that it would be a violation of privacy to your sibling. Different departments at schools can share info for SOME purposes, but not all. Everything in your student file is not available to all. Many departments have no need for your SSN, your medical records, your disciplinary record.

I actually do not understand the premise. Your sibling was a successful applicant? If so, I am not sure why being similar would be bad anyway.

In any event, they definitely do not have time to mess around comparing today’s applicants to applicants from years ago.

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