<p>This is a desperate cry for help. I simply cannot read. I just don't understand what I'm reading.</p>
<p>I know HOW to read. I TRY to concentrate and I TRY to read deeply. In fact, when I read, I make a CONSCIOUS effort to read vigorously.</p>
<p>But I simply get lost in the paragraphs. I read words, not meanings. Either I don't understand the grammatical structure and thus lose sight of the subject, or I simply cannot the connect the ideas together. This happens often when I'm reading poetry. I can't synthesize anything. It all registers in my mind as a random series of images, metaphors, ideas, words that have no connection among them at all.</p>
<p>The problem is that I AM TRYING MY BEST when I read, but I still don't understand the words. Don't think that I'm the typical poor reader who glosses over the text and does not concentrate. In fact, I try to be deliberate, exact, precise when I read. I read very slowly, and make a conscious effort to concentrate. But it feels like I am just concentrating on concentrating, not actually engaging myself with the text.</p>
<p>It's frustrating to read the same lines over and over again, gaining no understanding, trying my best, and reaching the nadir of futile exertion.</p>
<p>Someone please help.</p>
<p>I don't want typical advice about "look at the images, consider every word, ask questions, identify connotations, etc". I know all that. I just cannot APPLY it.</p>
<p>I need something deeper. Perhaps a psychological solution. It is the ideal reading MINDSET that I cannot acquire. I need a solution to the ROOT of the problem!</p>