<p>I already submitted the supplement for Washington University in St. Louis and my Common Application, but I can't find where I am supposed to pay the fee for applying because the link from the common application just sends me to the main page of Washington University in St. Louis. Anybody know where I'm supposed to pay?</p>
<p>you didn’t pay a $55 fee after submitting the supplement?</p>
<p>I think you are supposed to mail the money or pay from WUSTL’s website if I remember correctly.</p>
<p>Well after I submitted the supplement it just went to a webpage on the WUStL website that said “Thank your for submitting your pre-application supplement” or something like that and it didn’t mention anything about payment. I am soooo confused.</p>
<p>When I received mail from them with that pre-app supplement, they asked for the money to be sent along with the form, so I thought maybe there was a payment thing on their website.</p>
<p>Gosh darn it. Why couldn’t their payment be done through the common application lol.</p>
<p>Seriously does anybody know where I’m supposed to pay???</p>
<p>email them.</p>