I can't pay the application fee!

<p>I can't pay the application fee for Harvard!! i tried paying through the link on commonapp with a credit card, and it's not working... i've tried a hundred times! i'm international. is anybody else having this problem, especially internationals?? i tried to pay for harvard, found i couldn't, and then paid for another uni without a problem, so i'm sure it's not the credit card...</p>

<p>Call them and explain the problem. I’m sure they’ll be glad to take the credit card number over the phone or offer some other reasonable solution.</p>

<p>I did, but they say they won’t be in until january 7, so I just sent an e-mail… i hope i’ll get a reply, i’m just worried about the january 1st deadline.</p>

<p>I’m sure they’ll be no aversion to taking your money, few days late or not.</p>