<p>I've been trying to pay for my Harvard app. for a good three days now.. they keep telling me they have technical difficulties.
Anyone else experiencing this? I'm having trouble finding an appropriate number to contact.</p>
<p>Yeah, I got the error on Friday. Emailed them about it. I would think that the phone number listed at [Harvard</a> College Admissions Office: Contact Us](<a href=“http://www.admissions.college.harvard.edu/utilities/contact/index.html]Harvard”>http://www.admissions.college.harvard.edu/utilities/contact/index.html) should work. Don’t sweat it: they probably won’t reject you just because of a technical difficulty on their side.</p>
<p>I just called them up - they said the only things that could be blocking the payment are
- inputting your birth date without the dashes
- owning a credit card that doesn’t allow online payment </p>
<p>I’m pretty sure I did everything correctly… I’m going to wait a couple more days and then send in a letter, I suppose. Tell me if you manage to get through!</p>
<p>I called them too, they told me to just keep trying. I tried a different credit card today (a MasterCard, the Visa didn’t work) and got the glorious “Your Payment Has Been Processed” screen. Good luck!</p>
<p>Hah! same here! and i paid with a mastercard as well ^^
i submitted my mother’s visa card number so many times i have it memorized better than my mobile number.</p>
<p>Best of luck with your application!(:</p>
<p>“i submitted my mother’s visa card number so many times i have it memorized better than my mobile number.” Lol.</p>
<p>I found out that my Visa actually got through (even though I got the error), so I was double charged. They told me to email <a href=“mailto:admfee@fas.harvard.edu”>admfee@fas.harvard.edu</a> to get a refund. Hopefully this doesn’t happen to you!</p>
<p>Thanks, and good luck to you too!</p>