<p>... about my achievements in school, honors I received, or why I am so special.</p>
<p>Am I just suppose to write about how I received A honor-roll at school and took a bunch of AP classes?! I have never received anything amazing nationally that is actually worth of mentioning. So I am sitting here and writing about this essay and feel like an idiot for bragging about how I made an honor roll when like 100 other people did the same thing. </p>
<p>/Rant over</p>
<p>lol, my school got rid of honor roll cuz like 80% of students were on it</p>
<p>Oh, if it’s one of thooooossee essays, I would strongly advise against writing about something that can easily be found out by a cursory glance at your transcript…</p>
<p>^ What do you write about then if it’s one of those questions and you haven’t really achieved something “special”?</p>
<h2>“my school got rid of honor roll cuz like 80% of students were on it”</h2>
<p>lol. My school is so lame, 50 people made principal’s/regular honor roll out of 2000 students. Of those 50, about 5-10 were from people taking semi-hard classes (honors-AP).</p>
<p>Who cares? Just make something up.</p>
<p>I totally agree with u. Since I’m applying to numerous summer internships/programs they ask for these crappy essays a lot.</p>
<p>I really don’t understand why they have to have me write my “honors”, when I’m sending in a resume. Whatever. </p>
<p>Another crappy essay is to talk about how my environments influenced my decisions. Also, my NHS application essay last year was to talk about what I learned from having a 90+ GPA. wth… People can really make crappy essay topics.</p>