I can't write passionately


The early deadline is quickly approaching and I’ve been really worried about my college essays. Whenever I write an essay about why I want to go to college X, I think I write passionately, but many people have explicitly told me or at least alluded to the fact that they don’t “feel” any passion in my essay. I’ve worked so hard up until this point to be accepted into the schools that I want to go to, and I’m feeling frustrated that I potentially won’t be accepted because I can’t write something that doesn’t sound like a research report. I KNOW that I really really really want to go to the schools I’m applying to, or else I wouldn’t have studied so hard and done so much to get in, but I can’t seem to figure out why I can’t write a convincing, persuasive enough essay that conveys this fact. People have told me that it’s hard to put passion in an essay if you don’t have it, if you don’t have passion, it’s going to be very tough, and even that passion isn’t something that you can just stick into an essay. I know, by definition, what passion is, but I really don’t think I’ve experienced it. I’ve definitely considered the notion that I do know passion, and I’ve considered what I like, what my interests are, etc. but even still, I try to write my essays but it just doesn’t come across. I’m trying to write about the specific programs I’m interested, putting in my personal history, interests, things I’ve done for a long time, but the way I just put the words makes it seem dull. I’d like to stay optimistic and believe that I do have a passion or passion(s), but I don’t know, I’ve never once been able to create something that doesn’t sound like an objective paper or something that anyone could write. I just feel like passion (or even simple interests) is just something that most everyone can easily find and write expressively and freely about, except for me. Any advice? Thanks.

“Passion” is a very strong, dramatic word that people like to throw around for college applications. Often, they’re just referring to the feelings of fascination or excitement that can lead someone to invest a lot of time in something. If you’d like, I could look over what you’ve written and give you some more specific feedback. It can be hard to find and delve into your “passions” in high school when 1. you’re busy, 2. you have to learn a lot of things because they’re required, and 3. you aren’t exposed to many new things like you are on a college campus.

As a fellow high school senior, I’m really starting to dislike the word “passion”. It’s fleeting, like lust and it honestly seems kind of superficial sometimes.
That being said, I noticed the quality of my essays exponentially increase when I my verb: adjective ratio increases. It’s easier to connect with someone who “does” something than someone who describes it.

Also, don’t try to use too specific terminology or too many abbreviations. I think that’s what makes some essays seem clinical.

You don’t need to write passionately. Just write honestly.

When I was a college bound senior I too had struggles with this “passion” when I wrote the college essays…In the end I ended up being a try-hard and now I realize what I wrote were somewhat pretentious and failed to show what I really am.

You can’t force yourself to be engaged or fascinated; if you don’t have anything to write about with strong emotion/dedication then that’s it. All you can do is to write earnestly. I love my school, but I occasionally thought how it might have turned out if I hadnn’t tried too much.

pretend that you are some radical crazy terrorist that has passion for Islam and is writing his death letter before blowing himself up

@Yakisoba can you give me your opinion on my leadership essay that’s supposed to get me into UC Berkeley (top choice)