"Passionate" Essays

<p>Ok, I've been hearing from so many people, "All you need is an honest essay that shows your passion and intense interest for something." I'm not talking about just college essays, but summer program essays too. Now, my problem is, I haven't really discovered what my "passions" are. I live in a small town where nothing ever happens, so I am not pushed to any limit. I am bored a lot of the time, and there aren't really any opportunities for me to challenge myself. Now, I do challenge myself with hard classes, doing competitions/contests, being involved in lots of extracurriculars, etc., but there really isn't anything that ignites my "passion." For example, people say they are "passionate" for science. But what does that really mean? And how could I show this in an essay? Does being passionate for science mean you would like nothing better than to be involved in science labs/experiments and study these things? And would the best way to show this in an essay be to describe a specific, personal event, and explain my feelings/emotions during that event? ...I don't know if what I said made any sense at all.it's kinda late and I'm tired, but any help/advice/tips/honest words would be greatly appreciated!</p>

<p>If you want to find your passion… go out and DO something, something that challenges you. </p>

<p>This could be going into the community and volunteering, or going to a foreign country. or if you like science, do some science competitions or seek research opportunities at a local lab.</p>

<p>if you are just sitting around, it will be hard to find your passion.</p>

<p>^Um yea, I think my post was misleading. I DO do math/science competitions, they can be pretty fun. Just no one else likes them. Also, I am not really a guy with feelings…seriously, I NEVER get mad or super happy. Sometimes I feel energetic, or kinda annoyed, but never this super mad/happy feeling…if you know what I mean lol. So…I can never be passionate about anything, because I am just a very very cynical person who criticizes everything, can’t change it. Plus, I DO do competitions, will do research, have done volunteering, etc. Just, it all seems only kinda fun. Some stuff is just boring/like a chore, and the most exciting stuff I do is only kinda fun…cause I can always think of disadvantages/negatives of it…</p>

<p>okay, then BS your essays and pretend like you are passionate about those competitions, volunteering, etc.</p>

<p>if a school is looking for passion, and you don’t have passion for anything… maybe you are applying to the wrong school.</p>

<p>I agree with blu_g8orade.</p>

<p>I am of the opinion that often, good writing is just convincing BS. Just remember to show, not tell. Show a specific example, real or made up, that demonstrates your passion. This is usually convincing to readers that don’t know you on a personal level.</p>

<p>I don’t agree with the last two posts. Experienced readers can tell the difference between the truth and “BS”.</p>

<p>To OP: what do you enjoy doing? When I say enjoy, I don’t mean that it has to be an all-absorbing, intense, nothing-at-all-wrong-with-it emotional experience. Just things that you enjoy doing.</p>

<p>There is good advice here:</p>

<p>[Essays</a>, Admission Information, Undergraduate Admission, U.Va.](<a href=“http://www.virginia.edu/undergradadmission/writingtheessay.html]Essays”>http://www.virginia.edu/undergradadmission/writingtheessay.html)</p>

<p>A passion is a subject you like so much that you would like to devote the rest of your life to the discipline. It is something that you don’t only have a stong apptitude in but you also enjoy it. I jokingly say that, “Half my brain is devoted to physics and the other half is for sleeping, eating, etc” A passion doesn’t have to be a subject, but it can also be an experience(s) that you are fond of.</p>

<p>Don’t “BS” a passion! A dull essay discussing your passion is medicore compared to an essay that makes that passion come alive. Plus, you’ll ultimately be cheating yourself.</p>

<p>You seem to like science and have an apptitude for it. Maybe if you research the sciences more you’ll find something that “clicks”. Trust me, when you find your true passion, you know it.</p>

<p>yes u have to show that u like labs and everything that involves science. share some of ur experiences… talks with teacher, students, friends… whatever that helped u decide why u chose science</p>

<p>Well, ok I actually have 3 things I actually enjoy doing, which is running, math, and science. I guess I just like math cause I’ve always been good at it. Since I was little. And science is cool…cause well, I’m taking some high level classes, and it’s actually interesting to learn…as opposed to history. And running, cause of those hormones I guess…lol and teammates…but anyways, I just can’t help but criticize everything, and feel cynical for everything…so I get bored with everything I do. </p>

<p>Now besides all that stuff…other stuff I enjoy doing are video games (which I never play anymore cause of all this college stuff) and um…my computer/Internet…cause I can find all my answers on there…and other stuff tooo…but I don’t think this would be appropriate for college admissions essays. </p>

<p>So…I would say the only stuff I could write about honestly, that is morally sound, would be math, science, and running. However, I tend to criticize everything …so…I don’t know. how should I “live my life” ?</p>

<p>you’ve already answered your own question.</p>

<p>writing these essays aren’t supposed to be easy, but i do believe that anyone can answer them.</p>

<p>hm… u do some things in ur life, they might be stupid. This wasn’t an essay but i wrote a paper on me and my classmates putting gerblies in my APUSH teacher’s bag… stupid but the paper turned out good. In track u probably have done some stupid s*** trust me i am a soccer player and i have done some crazy things (my APUSH teacher was my coach)</p>