I chose (insert UC) over Cal/UCLA

<p>Can we get back to the topic, please?</p>

<p>get a life doesnt really mean get a life, it means that you're focusing you're energy on something ridiculously trivial</p>

<p>by the fact you just listed your greatness and blatant narcissism, your made yourself sound immature and elitist.</p>

<p>/sorry for the off topicness.</p>

<p>----Back to main topic--------</p>

<p>I had a friend that rejected UCLA to goto UCSB.. and a cousin chose UCD over Cal for biochemistry. This thread makes it seem like it never happens. If you goto UCSD, it's not like people will see you as a UCLA-reject automatically. People have their reasons.</p>

<p>I think there is solid evidence that dmission is bulls***ing everyone, as shown by purest's research. But hey, it is the internet afterall. People can be whoever they want to be, have whatever grades and SAT scores that they want. </p>

<p>You guys are putting blame on purest, but it is not like any of you would react differently. He remembered off the top of his head that dmission was rejected from UCLA and kinda joked about it. Then dmission took defense and said he got in by appeal, which makes absolutely no sense considering the evidence that purest pulled up. You don't post four months later about transferring to UCLA if you were "accepted" on appeal. And btw, appeals are given very rarely. So all and all purest is probably right and pointing out someone's need to be someone he isn't, but it is the internet, so people can contrive whatever stories they want to. </p>

<p>How many of you would one win an argument if you could find good evidence to back your claim up?</p>

<p>cali trumpet - point taken</p>

<p>jmilton90 - I haven't visited UCLA's campus yet, but I've been to UCSD. I plan on studying bioengineering, so UCSD really seems like the logical choice for me. Im not a huge fan of sports stuff. I love SD weather and location. And UCLA is like in the big city and whatnot. Hopefully I'll get into both and then have the "chore" of driving down to LA to check it out.</p>



<p>one of my classmates got into UCLA and chose to go to UCSD,
another classmate got into Cal but she decided to go to santa cruz. I didn't ask her why, but i'd guess she got a full ride or something</p>

<p>Dude, i LOVVVVE it when CC users take everything as such a personal attack. It cracks me up. Wow, I could be an elitist, I could not be, Or maybe I am just ****ing with you all but keep in mind... this is the internet. Save the personal attacks for when you are dealing with people in person. You'll get alot more out of it... Watch, there will be more now just because I said this... :) </p>

<p>Anyway, yes you generally won't find it uncommon when people choose UCs that are lower ranked because in the end, its the feeling of the campus that can turn initial decisons. Alot of the campuses are acquired tastes. Alot of people may not like Davis because of its location/flat land area or maybe because there are cows there. Alot of people may not like Berkeley because of the bums. Alot of people may not like UCSD because of the mazelike campus that has literally no form whatsoever (you have to admit). It all can come down to little things such as these in some cases.</p>

<p>Purest come on give it a rest will ya?</p>

<p>anyway I agree with the second part. :)</p>

<p>My friend rejected LA for Cal Poly. He was interested in EE and wanted a steady job in 4 years rather than going for his masters and PhD.</p>

<p>I was surprised at first, but he's really happy at Cal Poly and I'm sure he'll be earning more than me in 5 years.</p>


<p>I want to go to UCLA</p>

<p>and if I got rejected and got accepted even after appeal, I'd still go to UCLA</p>

<p>*** man,</p>

<p>I got into Cal (didn't apply to UCLA), but chose to go to UCSD. My main reason was distance from home, further the better.</p>

<p>My daughter chose UCSD as Regents Scholar over UCLA and UCB in 2007. She is majoring in Biology with pre-med emphasis. She is doing great at UCSD and very happy with her decision.</p>

<p>Californian's are truly blessed to have 6 great public universities (UCB, UCLA, SD, SB, I, D) among the top 50 Tier 1 Universities in the US.</p>

<p>^ True...</p>

<p>Too bad most people out of california haven't heard much about them except Berkeley and UCLA. The other UC's are just names to them... Kind of like... Wake Forest, Davidson, or UNC Chapel Hill.</p>

<p>na, I respect all UCs</p>

<p>lol purest idk why people atked u when u revealed the contradicting statements in the other guy's posts.
lol i think wat u did was cool o.o</p>

<p>true, but the UCs are the UCs because of the student body... like UCI is just 40 yrs old and its already the 12 th best public school. where as u go to University of Alabama or Ol'Miss which has been around since the 1850s are toiling in the 100s</p>

<p>That's because UCI has Donald Brenn and a bunch of people who donate millions and extra-super fund it.</p>