I chose (insert UC) over Cal/UCLA

<p>Donald Bren is hot.</p>

<p>the dude donates all the time, that's why UCI is growing and in good condition!</p>

<p>that's what the other schools need, rich entrepreneurs to fund their schools.</p>

<p>Yeah I agree about the private funding, but some schools just arent lucky in that department. I dont know if anyone has seen UCSB and UCR lately, but their campuses could use a little love in my opinion</p>

<p>^ they need some rich dude to donate some cash</p>

<p>like some alumni who wants to give money to it</p>

<p>Before this thread, I had never heard of Donald Brenn. Or maybe he was mentioned on one of my tours, but I wasn't listening.</p>

<p>For mid-tier UCs like UC Santa Barbara, Davis, and Irvine, the alumni giving is quite low due to the fact that the average age of alumni is around 30 with many of them most likely still in graduate school.</p>


<p>are u in UCI and don't know him?
<em>cough</em> the Donald Brenn schools of business!
ring any bells?</p>

<p>Anyhow, I know a friend who turned down UC Berkeley for UC Davis because he got CHP</p>

<p>but he's there and doesn't like it as much as he thought he would</p>

<p>Everyone I know who went to davis found out it was overhyped.</p>

<p>^ My friend said the same thing.
He said "Darn it, I should've gone to Berkeley, I thought Davis would be were I could go camping every week but I find out that not everyone does that!"</p>

<p>I've never been to Davis but I've seen pictures and it looks kind of nice. It's pretty well known for agricultural related stuff but other than that...I just dont know. I also dont know how selective they are, a lot of my friends got into UC Davis with pretty mediocre stats and they were all minorities (not White or Asian).</p>

<p>No, I'm a high school senior. Still waiting!</p>

<p>I know someone who chose UCSD over Cal because she got a huge sum (scholarship)--something along the lines of a full scholarship. A month ago, her dad told my dad that she was doing well at school with high grades. She was a bio major, I think.</p>

<p>my best friend in hs picked ucsd over cal cuz his sister goes there and it was his dream school. one of my classmates in hs made la nd went to a jc for various reasons. i picked la over all the other UCs cuz i visited them and la gave me best impression and environment. so basically everything is about wat college floats ur boat. visit all them and decide which one you can see urself living for the next four years. so its totally possible to not pick cal or la...</p>

<p>One of my friends last year got into Cal but chose to go to community college for financial reasons.</p>

<p>i got rejected from both cal and LA and am now at irvine.</p>

<p>a friend of mine got into all the UCs but is now at Irvine cause (she claims) she got a full ride and is pre-med, so she wants to save money. </p>

<p>side note: ive seen people pick la over cal and vice versa. my half-assed analysis is that my friends who picked LA were more social and wanted to party more whereas my Cal friends wanted to focus on their studies.</p>

<p>For me, I would probably be pressured into going to Berkeley or LA over SD by my parents. I probably won't get into Cal or LA though so it makes my decision easy. UC Davis is literally a 15-20 minute drive and I do not want to be that close to home and neither do my classmates. Everyone seems to lookd down on UCD from my school and it's most people's backups.</p>

<p>masterhammy: I live about 30 mins from UCD and it used to be "looked down upon" until they got a reality check and a bunch of people got rejected.</p>

<p>I like UCD because it's close to my network of dentists which will help when I want to do ECs for dental school :)</p>

<p>Anyone who chose SD over Cal? I might do that but I still need to visit both campuses.</p>

<p>@Konakai27 that's what I want to do...but I still need to visit Cal :/</p>

<p>Never really heard of Davis being overhyped. Whoever told you that is mistaken. I actually found it quite underrated. There is plenty to do if you just look around. If you get bored, Davis isn't the problem. :)</p>