<p>What are my chances of getting into usc, ucb, or nyu?
I have my gpa is a 3.5-3.6 (depending on how its calculated)
my sat score is 1860
I had a 2.0-3.2 sophomore year, but a 4.0-4.2 junior year...so I obviously improved greatly...
I have been on my school's newspaper for three years--2 years as an editor. I plan on pursuing a career in journalism. I am secretary of a local writing club. I have volunteered at a hospital--I read newspapers to patients and I also sang for them. I have been involved in my school's music program for three years. (CHOIR II) I voluteered at an autistic camp for nine hours over the summer. I write columns for my school newspaper and I started an online section for a kid at my school who has cancer-a place where students can write letters and donate money for him. During my sophomore year, I was going through a rough patch:
- my parents divorced
-my dad developed depression, shingles, and pemphigus
-abusive upbringing
- both parents have always had two jobs...father lost job
I have always been in ap and honors classes:
Freshman year: Honors: Bio, Eng, Geometry
Soph: AP Euro, Honors: English
Junior: Honors: English, chem, us history -took MA/pre-calc
Senior year: AP: Art history, Government, Calc, english Honors-physiology
- annual income: under 40,000
My personal statements are very strong..I'm focusing on racism-(muslim) and abuse
<p>I also was the one to get myself out of the abuse and I help pay for my therapy</p>
<p>also dont judge my name im trying to be anonymous</p>
<p>try to get good grades senior year, and improve your SAT by a good 100-300 points. USC and Berkley have become EXTREMELY competitive.</p>