<p>Okay...so I REALLY want to go to either NYU or USC (California)....</p>
<p>I want to do something along the lines of double majoring in journalism and either drama/film or cinematrography...</p>
<p>Here is a brief annalysis of me:</p>
<p>Very involved in school, well rounded, extremely outgoing, enjoy meeting new people, extra-curricular activities are as follows: Junior Class President, National Honor Society Vice President, ASB co-activities director, Mentor Executive President, Yearbook Editor, Member of National Honor Society, Member of the mentor team, Recipient of the Clark County Youth Leadership Award, Frosh camp counselor, Cispus Counselor, Varsity Cheerleader, Yearbook Staff, Newspaper Staff, Journalism member, Graduation coordinator, Dance group leader/choreographer/member, Various skits and plays, Advanced theater class, 50+ hours of volunteer work through school beautification, Volunteer work at 4th of July Celebrations, Prom committee chairman, Homecoming committee chairman, Honor Roll, 4.00 student, on track to become Valedictorian, Student of the month, Various leadership and journalism awards, Tennis, 2008 Essay contest winner, 2006 Essay contest winner, Leadership class (and all the class entails0, Elementary school tutor, organizer of all school assemblies, and volunteered and various functions.</p>
<p>What are your thoughts????</p>
<p>The only think I lack so far is my SAT scores (which I have only taken once) I only got a 1637...yeah, I know they suck...also, how much do I need to get them up?</p>