<p>in my country 1 watermelon is less than $1.</p>
<p>BE JEALOUS.</p>
<p>in my country 1 watermelon is less than $1.</p>
<p>BE JEALOUS.</p>
<p>^ Jealous. What country is this?</p>
<p>Indonesia :D</p>
<p>Watermelon is highly grotesque.</p>
<p>I haven’t had watermelon in eons.
watermelon jolly ranchers ftw</p>
<p>Watermelon is amazing.</p>
<p>what the faaaaaaaack is wrong with you!?!?!?!?!</p>
<p>I don’t like watermelon. It has seeds and I forgot what it taste like, but I don’t like eating it.</p>
<p>Watermelon is one of the best foods in existence. I have eaten entire melons by myself before.</p>
<p>obviously you’re not gonna like it because you’re not black…jk.</p>
<p>i love watermelons. when i was in africa last summer i swear i witnessed goats stealing watermelons from the street vendors…lmao.</p>
<p>^ Ah, finally. I was waiting anxiously to see who would bring up the black comment first, lol.</p>
<p>LOL @ goats stealing watermelons. I like to chew watermelons down to its fruity pulp and I wonder how small watermelons would be if they were completely dehydrated.</p>
<p>i freaking LOVE watermelon… I’ve eaten entire melons before…</p>
<p>I love WATERMELON!!! What is wrong with you?</p>
<p>Watermelon is the epitome of crap. The only thing cool about them, is in Japan they have square watermelons. :></p>
<p>^What do you mean?</p>
<p>But you know what is really bad? Frozen watermelon. It’s like chewing on a cold sponge.</p>
<p>Yea, I don’t like watermelon either. It just doesn’t have very much flavor.</p>
<p>Watermelon is my favorite fruit. I like seeded watermelon better. It has more sugar and tastes better.</p>
<p>Nothing is better than a nice, soft, and juicy peach :D</p>