<p>Hi... [<em>somewhat embarrassed</em>]
I attend a rather competitive international school in which everybody practically kill themselves for honor roll positions :( and class ranks [which was accidentally posted in the school's hallway for some "particular reason" (the whole school complained about it basically so the secretary took it off); our school does not use class ranks].
I don't know.. Everybody here have big dreams such as attending Stanford, Yale, Princeton, Brown, etc. Occasionally I look at the stats of different applicants and was astonished by how "excellent" they were.. (which in fact discouraged me).
I know this sounds ridiculous, but like everybody else... I love MIT and Upenn. I know they're major reaches for a kid like me and I don't know if I'm on the right track. Could somebody assure me of this? </p>
<p>Thus far.. I don't know if I'm doing well or not. (btw, I want to major in architecture). I know that I'm not doing so well in comparison to the other high honor roll students.</p>
<p>First semester GPA- 3.625 T-T
World History- 95
Biology- 92 [darn... =<em>= the teacher was teaching us advanced bio]Communications - 88 [had a bad affair with this teacher -</em>-]
Alg 2- 92 [I know that I have to raise THIS grade]
Geometry- 95
Gen Lit- 97-8 (can't remember)
Art- 96
PE- 95? 96?</p>
<p>Second semester GPA- maybe 3.85?</p>
<p>Founded the National Junior Arts Honor Society [president]
Speech tournament (poetry/prose)- 2nd place in first tournament, 1st place in second tournament.
Community Service</p>
<p>Am I on the right track? I don't know.. I"m just frightened.. How the teacher told us that most of us have too big a dream.. and that the majority of us wouldn't make it to the ivies frightened the wits out of us... </p>
<p>Do you know any schools that do not look at freshman grades except for Stanford, Princeton, the UCs, and Michigan- Ann Arbor? Thank you...</p>