I don't know if I'm on the right track..

<p>Hi... [<em>somewhat embarrassed</em>]
I attend a rather competitive international school in which everybody practically kill themselves for honor roll positions :( and class ranks [which was accidentally posted in the school's hallway for some "particular reason" (the whole school complained about it basically so the secretary took it off); our school does not use class ranks].
I don't know.. Everybody here have big dreams such as attending Stanford, Yale, Princeton, Brown, etc. Occasionally I look at the stats of different applicants and was astonished by how "excellent" they were.. (which in fact discouraged me).
I know this sounds ridiculous, but like everybody else... I love MIT and Upenn. I know they're major reaches for a kid like me and I don't know if I'm on the right track. Could somebody assure me of this? </p>

<p>Thus far.. I don't know if I'm doing well or not. (btw, I want to major in architecture). I know that I'm not doing so well in comparison to the other high honor roll students.</p>

<p>First semester GPA- 3.625 T-T
World History- 95
Biology- 92 [darn... =<em>= the teacher was teaching us advanced bio]Communications - 88 [had a bad affair with this teacher -</em>-]
Alg 2- 92 [I know that I have to raise THIS grade]
Geometry- 95
Gen Lit- 97-8 (can't remember)
Art- 96
PE- 95? 96?</p>

<p>Second semester GPA- maybe 3.85?</p>

<p>Founded the National Junior Arts Honor Society [president]
Speech tournament (poetry/prose)- 2nd place in first tournament, 1st place in second tournament.
Community Service</p>

<p>Am I on the right track? I don't know.. I"m just frightened.. How the teacher told us that most of us have too big a dream.. and that the majority of us wouldn't make it to the ivies frightened the wits out of us... </p>

<p>Do you know any schools that do not look at freshman grades except for Stanford, Princeton, the UCs, and Michigan- Ann Arbor? Thank you...</p>

<p>WHOOPS nvm haha :S</p>

<p>So where is CooperUnion or Ball State or Cincinnati on your list. You did say architecture......you are worried about your stats.....spread your list. There are many other programs you could be considering. Think broad. Think of some schools you are fairly certain you can get admitted into.</p>