I don't know what I want to do

I’m going to be going back to school in just under 2 weeks, I’ll be a sophomore, and I’m really nervous. I go to a well-regarded, small rural liberal arts school. I don’t have to declare until end of sophomore year, but to say I have no idea about my major isn’t true. I am thinking about either Economics and/or Math. I’ve always been pretty good at math and liked it, and I took Econ 101 and 102 this past year and I thought they were pretty interesting, but I got a B+ in both of them. I know that’s not a bad grade but it’s not like I am some Econ aficionado either. I’m probably better at Math but I’m worried about just being a Math major alone because I don’t know if I’ll actually want to end up doing anything with that or not. I also am a big music guy and want to take classes in that, and I like French too. Honestly I like to study a lot of things, but I don’t really like any of them enough to want to major in them.

I think I’m more worried about what I want to do after college. Even though I might want to study Econ or Math, I’ve always been a pretty creative person as well - I’m an avid musician player and know a lot about music in general. I really don’t find working on Wall Street or things like that too appealing. I know work isn’t necessarily something you’re going to love going to every day, but I don’t want to do something I’ll really dislike my entire life. I’m going to go into the career counseling center sometime in the beginning of the year to get some guidance on this. I am involved in the radio station at my college, and I think a cool thing would be to work in the radio/media business, not as a DJ of course but in the marketing/management sector. Don’t get me wrong, though, business school is definitely something I’m considering. I have some other thoughts too, but at this point it’s so undecided for me.

I might just be really nervous about going back in general. I know it’s not a bad thing to be a bit aimless at this point, and people change their majors/careers all the time. I don’t have some vision about how things are going to work out, I’m just worried nothing will work out in general. Thanks so much

Just wanted to point out that it is pretty common to get Bs in intro econ and then do well in subsequent courses - some students really enjoy the electives and more advanced courses more than the intro ones.